biology - topic 8

This class was created by Brainscape user Lucy Hobbs. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Effects of stimulation by the sym...,
Effects of stimulation by the par...,
Which neurone doesn t have myelin...
10  cards
nerve impulse
Process of a nerve impulse,
Resting potential,
Action potential
5  cards
nervous system
Two types of nervous systems,
Components of central nervous system,
Components of peripheral nervous ...
7  cards
What are the main structures of a...,
Type of neurotransmitters,
Why does a synapse have mitochondria
10  cards
Hormonal control of coordination,
Nervous control of coordination,
Hormonal responses in plants and ...
3  cards
What is auxin iaa,
How does auxin cause a cell to gr...,
Effect of iaa on transcription
4  cards
Components of a rod cell,
Benefits of having membranes in t...,
Which direction does liht travel ...
12  cards
Parts of the brain
Frontal lobe,
Parietal lobe
7  cards
MRI, fMRI and CT scans
Why is brain imagining useful,
How does a ct scan work,
Advantages of a ct scan
12  cards
visual capacities
How is the visual cortex laid out,
What isa critical period,
5  cards
animals in research
What is an animal model,
Characteristics of a good animal ...
2  cards
What is habituation,
How is memory creation,
How does habituation come about
3  cards
Parkinson's diseases
What is the blood barrier,
How is parkinsons detected,
What causes parkingsons
7  cards
3 symptoms of depressions,
What is serotonin,
Serotonin and depression
8  cards
Human genome project
What is the human genome,
What are the objectives of the hu...,
How could the human genome projec...
10  cards
genetic engineering
What are the principles of geneti...,
Why is bacteria commonly used,
Example of vectors
6  cards

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biology - topic 8

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