biology sl

This class was created by Brainscape user Erika Smart. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

1.1 Cell Introduction
What are the principles of cell t...,
What are the 3 caveats to the cel...,
Why is striated muscle fibre a ca...
45  cards
1.2 Cell Structure
What are prokaryotes,
What are archaebacteria,
What are eubacteria
21  cards
1.3 Membrane Structure
What is the structure of phosphol...,
What is the arrangement of phosph...,
What are the properties of the ph...
25  cards
1.4 Membrane Transport
What two key qualities do cellula...,
What two ways can the movement of...,
What is passive transport
52  cards
1.5 Origin of Cells
What is the theory that living ce...,
What is the process of abiogenesi...,
What experiment demonstrated the ...
13  cards
1.6 Cell Division
What is interphase,
What are the 3 stages of interphase,
What is m phase
35  cards
2.1 Moleculesles To Metabolism
What are organic compounds,
Why is carbon the basis of organi...,
How many covalent bonds can carbo...
49  cards
2.2 Water
What is water made up of,
Why is water polar,
What dioes the weak associations ...
16  cards
2.3 Carbohydrates
What are carbohydrates composed of,
What are carbohydrates composed of,
What are disaccharides
44  cards
2.4 Proteins
What are proteins compromised of,
What are the basic structures of ...,
How many different amino acids ar...
29  cards
2.5 Enzymes
What is an enzyme,
Why can enzymes be reused,
What is the active site
21  cards
2.6 DNA/RNA Structure
What are nucleic acids,
What are the 3 principle componen...,
What are the 2 types od nucleic a...
12  cards
2.7 DNA-> Proteins
What kind of process is dna repli...,
Why is dna replication a semi con...,
What enzymes are involved when dn...
29  cards
2.8 Cell Respiration
What is cell respiration,
What are the 2 main types of cell...,
What is atp adenosine triphosphate
22  cards
2.9 Photosynthesis
What is photosynthesis,
What does photosynthesis require,
What is the equation for photosyn...
25  cards
3.1 Genes
What characteristics do genes cod...,
What discrete structure is dna pa...,
What is a gene
16  cards
3.2 Chromosomes
What do prokaryotes possess inste...,
What does the genetic material of...,
What do prokaryotic cells possess...
35  cards
3.3 Meiosis
What is meiosis,
What are the two processes of cel...,
What comes before meiosis
34  cards
3.4 Inheritance
What was gregor mendel experiment...,
What did mendel discover from the...,
What conclusions did mendel draw ...
46  cards
3.5 Genetic Modification
What is pcr,
What does pcr do,
What is he stages of pcr
41  cards
4.1 Species And Ecosystems
What is a species,
What is it called when 2 differen...,
What is a population
27  cards
4.2 Energy Flow
What are trophic levels,
What do food chains show,
What does the arrow on food chain...
15  cards
4.3 Carbon Cycling
What is carbon cycling,
What are the four spheres of the ...,
How is carbon exchanged 4 ways
32  cards
4.4 Climate Change
What do greenhouse gases do in th...,
What are the ghg which have the l...,
Which ghg have less effect on gre...
18  cards
5.1 Evolution Evidence
What is biological evolution,
How are heritable characteristics...,
What is a concise definition of b...
35  cards
5.2 Natural Selection
What is the theory of natural sel...,
What is the process of natural se...,
What are the key components of na...
32  cards
5.3 Classification
What is the binomial system of no...,
Why is the binomial system useful 4,
How does the binomial system desi...
42  cards
5.4 Cladistics
What is cladistics,
What does each clade consist of,
What does each branch point repre...
21  cards
6.1 Digestive System
What are the 2 major groups of or...,
What does the oesophagus do and w...,
What is the stomach and how does ...
31  cards
6.2 The Blood System
Who was the first modern understa...,
What greek views did scientist be...,
What did harvey propose 3
28  cards
6.3 Disease Defences
How is the skin in the first line...,
What are the functions of mucous ...,
What happens to the coagulation c...
17  cards
6.4 Gas Exchange
What are the processes of physiol...,
What is the structure of lung 5,
What is structure of alvolus 4
21  cards
6.5 Neurons and Synapsis
What are neurons,
What are the most important 3 com...,
How do neurons generate and condu...
12  cards
6.6 Homeostasis
Where is insulin and glucagon rel...,
What occurs when blood glucose le...,
What occurs when blood glucose ar...
24  cards
D1 Human Nutrition
What is an essential nutrient,
What is a non essential nutrient,
What is malnutrition
38  cards
Where and how do exocrine glands ...,
What are examples of digestive gl...,
What is the exocrine gland compos...
20  cards
D3 Functions of liver
What is the movement of blood in ...,
What are the function of liver 4,
What is the structure of the liver 5
18  cards
D4 The Heart
What is cardiac muscle contraction,
What are the features of cardiac ...,
What are unique functional proper...
12  cards

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biology sl

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