biology required practicals

This class was created by Brainscape user Farhanah Begum. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

teacher practicals
Teacher practical 1,
2  cards
the effect of ammonium hydroxide on the time taken for chloroplasts to decolourise DCPIP - 8
What is required practical 7,
Why does dcpip change from blue t...,
What does ammonium hydroxide act ...
6  cards
the effect of enzyme concentration on the rate of reaction
The effect of enzyme concentratio...,
What is the reaction being invest...,
What enzyme catalyses this reaction
13  cards
Mitotic index- 2
Mitotic index,
Describe the method used to to pr...,
Why can we use squash in this pra...
12  cards
comparing the water potential of potato tuber cells from baking and sweet potato- 3
Comparing the water potential of ...,
What is the water potential,
Describe the method used for this...
11  cards
investigation into the effect of alcohol on the permeability of cell surface membranes (beetroot cells)- 4
Investigation into the effect of ...,
Describe the method used,
What does beetroot contain
10  cards
Heart dissection- 5
Heart dissection,
What are 3 steps when it comes to...,
How do you examine the external f...
6  cards
Aseptic techniques used to investigate the effect of antimicrobial substances on microbial growth
Aseptic techniques used to invest...,
Describe what aseptic techniques ...,
How is the practical carried out
5  cards
Chromatography - 7
Use of chromatography to investig...,
State the equipment used in this ...,
1 take a piece of chromatography ...
6  cards
Respiration- 9
The effect of temperature on resp...,
Describe respiration in yeast
2  cards
Choice Chambers - 10
Investigate the turning behaviour...,
Describe the method used to inves...,
Temperature also affects maggots ...
6  cards
Urine Investigation - Glucose conc. - 11
Production of a dilution series o...,
What is usually the first indicat...,
Describe the method used to inves...
7  cards
Ecology Sampling - 12
Does the face of the slop affect ...,
What is the equipment needed for ...,
Describe the method used to inves...
4  cards

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biology required practicals

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