biology paper 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Ariyan Luggah. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Selective Breeding
What is selective breeding,
Explain the steps of selective br...,
What are the problems with select...
4  cards
Menstrual Cycle
What is ovulation,
What does the pituitary gland rel...,
What is the role of fsh
6  cards
Genetic Engineerig
What is genetic engineering,
How are genes transferred in gene...,
Give ways that ge is used
9  cards
Controlling Blood Glucose
What is a gland,
What is type 1 diabetes,
What is type 2 diabetes
9  cards
Genetic Inheritance
What is a heterozygous allele,
What is homozygous allele,
What is an allele
15  cards
Measuring The Distribution Of Organisms
Describe a method a student could...,
What is the formula for total pop...,
How can we improve our results
4  cards
Give 2 environmental factors that...,
Suggest a factor other than envir...,
Define extremophile
3  cards
What are the 3 main domains,
What is speciation,
What ways can extinction occur
18  cards
Human Nervous System
What is homeostasis,
What does homeostasis regulate,
What are the 2 types of effectors...
12  cards
Hormones To Treat Infertility
Explain how contraceptive pills r...,
What are some issues with ivf,
How is ivf carried out
6  cards
Screening For Genteic Disorders
Compare the issues involved with ...,
What is embryonic screening,
What are advantages of embryonic ...
8  cards
Asexual Ans
Explain why sexual reproduction c...
1  cards
Natural Selection
Describe the concept survival of ...,
Two populations of the same bird ...,
Explain now variations in a speci...
5  cards

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biology paper 2

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