biology: paper 1: biological processes

This class was created by Brainscape user alesha nazir. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Module 2 - Cells
What is the structure of cilia an...,
What is the function of cilia and...,
What is the structure of centrioles
82  cards
Module 2 - biological molecules
What 3 elements are carbohydrates...,
What are carbohydrates,
What are monosaccharides
58  cards
Module 2 - Nucleotides
What is dna,
What is rna,
What are the 3 types different ty...
101  cards
Module 2 - Enzymes
What is an active site,
What is a catalyst,
What is extracellular
34  cards
Module 2 - Biological Membranes
Give 4 ways molecules can move ac...,
What is selective permeability,
What is the method by which molec...
27  cards
Module 2 - cell division
What is the g1 phase,
What is the s phase,
What is the g phase
39  cards
Module 3 - Exchange Surfaces
Why is diffusion across the outer...,
How does sa v and the size of org...,
How are gas exchange surfaces ada...
55  cards
Module 3 - Transport in plants
How many transport systems are th...,
What are the two type types of tr...,
What do xylem vessels transport
66  cards
Module 3 - Transport in animals
What is a double system,
What is a closed system,
What are the feature of a closed ...
109  cards
Module 5 - photosynthesis
What is photosynthesis,
What does photo mean,
What does synthesis mean
83  cards
Module 5 - Homeostasis
Where are the adrenal glands found,
What type of glands are adrenal g...,
What are the two parts of the adr...
64  cards
Module 5 - plant responses
What is plant responses,
What is tropism,
What are growth hormones
40  cards

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biology: paper 1: biological processes

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