biology paper 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Grace Hornby. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Cell Structure 1
What is the function of the nucleus,
Is the nucleus found in plant ani...,
What is the function of the cell ...
20  cards
Cell Structure 2
What is diffusion,
What s an organelle,
What s a chromosome
20  cards
Cell Division 1
What is a gamete,
What s a haploid,
What is a diploid
20  cards
Cell Division 2
What is the concentration gradient,
What is an alveoli,
What is blood plasma
10  cards
What is the first step,
What is the second step,
What is the third step
6  cards
What is the first step,
What is the second step,
What is the third step
6  cards
Animal tissues, organs and organ systems 1
What does insoluble mean,
What does soluble mean,
What is an enzyme
15  cards
Animal tissues, organs and organ systems 2
What is a substrate,
What is a product,
What is the product of carbohydrase
8  cards
Animal tissues, organs and organ systems 3
What is an artery,
What is a vein,
What is a capillary
19  cards
Animal tissues, organs and organ systems 4
What products do the blood carry,
What is haemoglobin,
What does haemoglobin mind with
10  cards
Animal tissues, organs and organ systems 5
What is a communicable disease,
What are the coronary arteries,
What are some examples of an unhe...
10  cards
Animal Tissues, organs and organs systems 6
How is cancer caused,
What is a malignant tumour,
What is metastasis
7  cards
Plant tissues, organs and systems 1
What is the epidermis,
What is the function of the epide...,
Why is the epidermis transparent
13  cards
Plant tissues, organs and systems 2
1  cards
What are the steps involved for t...,
What are the steps for testing fo...,
What are the steps for testing fo...
4  cards
Infection and Response 1
What is a pathogen,
What are the four types of pathogen,
What is the life cycle of a pathogen
10  cards
What is the first step
1  cards

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biology paper 1

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