biology module 7: infectious disease

This class was created by Brainscape user tahlia ha. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Types of pathogens + simple terminology
What is a pathogen,
Describe bacteria,
Describe viruses
11  cards
Case study: Tetanus (bacteria)
Identify the pathogen that causes...,
Explain the sy,
How can an individual contract th...
6  cards
Case study: Polio (virus)
What is polio,
Is polio non celluar or celluar,
What is the name of the agent tha...
6  cards
Case study: Athletes foot (fungal)
What is the name of the pathogen ...,
What are the symptoms,
How can a person contract the inf...
4  cards
Case study: malaria (protozoa)
What is the name of the pathogen ...,
What is malaria,
How can malaria be contracted
5  cards
Case study: CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) - Prions
What is cjd,
How can cjd be contracted,
Distinguish the difference betwee...
4  cards
Case study: tape worms (macroparasites)
What is the pathogen that causes ...,
What does it do,
How can it be transmitted
5  cards
Case study: myrtle rust in plants (fungal)
Details apsidii is a fungal patho...,
What is the name of the pathogen,
How is it transmitted
4  cards
contribution to disease (Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur and John Snow
What was the miasma theory,
How and who disproved the miasma ...,
What is spontaneous generation
9  cards
Modes of transmission of diseases
What is airborne droplet transmis...,
What is direct contact transmission,
What is indirect contact transmis...
5  cards
Effects of disease on agricultural production
How does diseases effect agricult...,
How does it change farming practices,
How can this be prevented
4  cards
Plant response to pathogens
What are the 3 lines of defence o...,
Explain what the 1st line of defe...,
Identify some changes of the plan...
11  cards
Human immune system
Which line of defence s belongs t...,
What is adaptive immunity,
Identify the physical and chemica...
18  cards
Prevention, treatment and control
What is a vaccine,
Describe what a passive vaccine does,
Describe what an active vaccine does
12  cards
Effectiveness of pharmaceuticals as treatment strategies
What are antibiotics,
What are antivirals,
List an advantage and disadvantag...
4  cards

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biology module 7: infectious disease

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