biology mine

This class was created by Brainscape user Dominik Doroszkiewicz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

3.1.5 Nucleic Acids
Pentose sugars in genetic material,
What is a monomer in dna called,
Give a simple diagram of a nucleo...
28  cards
3.1.6 And 3.1.8 ATP And InOrganics
Atp is formed from,
What type of reaction re synthath...,
Atp is catalysed by what enzyme
20  cards
3.2.3 Transport Across Cells
Do plants have cell membrains,
Do bacteria have cell membrains,
Name four substances needed for a...
49  cards
Biology Trivia
What is the definition of epigenetic
1  cards
3.1.4 Proteins
What is the diffrence between pro...,
What is junk dna called
32  cards Digestion And Absorption
What is the definition of ingestion,
What is the definition of digestion,
What is the definition of absorption
29  cards
3.1.3 Lipids
Draw out the structure of a lipid,
What happens when you mix lipids ...,
What is the carbon area of the li...
13  cards
3.6.3 Skeletal Muscle
Label a skeletal muscle,
Label a sacromere,
What is the ratio between myosin ...
40  cards
3.6.2 nervous coordination
3.6.2 nervous coordination
70  cards
3.1.1 monomers and polymers
3.1.1 monomers and polymers
1  cards
3.1.2 carbohydrates
3.1.2 carbohydrates
42  cards
3.1.4 proteins
3.1.4 proteins
25  cards many proteins are enzymes many proteins are enzymes
29  cards
3.2.2 all cells arise from other cells
3.2.2 all cells arise from other cells
56  cards
3.8.1 and 3.8.2 control of gene expression
3.8.1 control of gene expression
98  cards
3.3.2 Gas Exchange in Humans
3.3.2 Gas Exchange in Humans
51  cards
3.4.3 genetic diversity can arise as a result of mutation or suring meiosis
3.4.3 genetic diversity can arise as a result of mutation or suring meiosis
41  cards
3.5.1 Photosynthesis
3.5.1 Photosynthesis
87  cards
3.5.2 Respiration
3.5.2 Respiration
50  cards
3.6 ORganisms respond to cganges in their internal and exteranl enviroments
3.6 ORganisms respond to cganges in their internal and exteranl enviroments
89  cards
3.6.4 Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal enviroment
3.6.4 Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal enviroment
64  cards
3.7.1 inheritance
3.7.1 inheritance
19  cards
3.8.3 and 3.8.4 gene technologies
3.8.3 and 3.8.4 gene technologies
38  cards

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biology mine

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