This class was created by Brainscape user rafaela thomas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

16: 1.2.3
What is assexual reproduction,
Advantages and disadvantages of a...,
30  cards
sexual reproduction in humans
82  cards
characteristics of living things (topic 1)
41  cards
cell structure (topic 2)
What are the parts in a plant cell,
What are the parts in an animal cell,
What parts are present in both pl...
27  cards
movement into and out of cells- (topic 3)
Where does the energy from diffus...,
How do susbtances move into and o...
19  cards
biological molecules (topic 4)
What chemical elements make carbs,
What chemical elemnts make proteins,
What chemical elements make fats
12  cards
enzymes (topic 5)
What is a catalyst,
What are enzymes,
Why are enzymes important in all ...
9  cards
plant nutrition (topic 6)
Word equation for photosynthesis,
What is chlorophyll
32  cards
human nutrition (topic 7)
Describe what is meant by a balan...,
State main source and importance ...,
State main source and importance ...
48  cards
transport in plants (topic 8)
Function xylem,
Function phloem,
Structure of xylem and their adap...
19  cards
transport in animals (topic 9)
What does the circulatory system ...,
Describe the single circulation o...,
Describe the double circulation o...
36  cards
diseases and immunity (topic 10)
What is a pathogen,
What is a transmissible disease,
What are the two ways a pathogen ...
24  cards
gas exchange in humans (topic 11)
What are some adaptations of the,
What are the main structures that...,
What is the order of air going in...
20  cards
respiration (topic 12)
What are uses for energy gained f...,
Describe how temperature effects ...
13  cards
excretion in humans (topic 13)
Name 3 excretory products,
Describe excretion of carbon dioxide
24  cards
coordination and response (topic 14)
Nervous system,
89  cards
drugs (topic 15)
What are drugs,
What are different ways in which ...
7  cards
reproduction (topic 16)
Define assexual reproduction,
Outline process of assexual repro...,
Name examples of organsims that r...
88  cards
inheritance (topic 17)
36  cards
variation and selection (topic 18)
Genotypic variation,
Phenotypic variation
26  cards
organisms and their environment (topic 19)
What is the principal source ofen...,
Describe the flow of energy,
Food chain
56  cards
human influences on ecosystems (topic 20)
What are some methods that humans...,
Why is agricultural machinery used,
Why is chemical fertilisers used
50  cards
biotechnology and genetic modification (topic 21)
Why are bacteria useful in biotec...,
Genetic engineering
40  cards
questions revise
In mitosis state the structures t...,
Role of progesterone,
Describe role of lh
80  cards
bio paper 6
Why is it better to correct sever...,
Test and result for starch,
Test and result for protein
7  cards

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biology igcse

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