This class was created by Brainscape user Maymuna Siddiqua. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

A1.1 Water
What is an aqueous solution,
What is a medium,
What is the medium for life and why
15  cards
A1.2 Nucleic acids
1  cards
A2.3 Viruses
Properties of viruses,
What is a viral capsid,
How do viruses reproduce
3  cards
A3.1 Diversity of organisms
Features of discontinuous variation,
Features of continuous variation,
What does the morphological speci...
12  cards
B1.1 Carbohydrates and Lipids
What is a monomer of carbohydrate...,
How many bonds can carbon form,
How does a covalent bond form
61  cards
B1.2 Proteins
What monomers make up proteins,
What determines the shape and fun...,
How many amino acids are found in...
45  cards
B2.1 Membranes and Membrane Transport
Phospholipids are amphipathic exp...,
Name another amphipathic lipid,
What happens when phospholipids a...
47  cards
B2.2 Organelles and compartmentalisation
Not organelles because they don t...,
Examples of eukaryotic cells that...,
What is the outer membrane of org...
28  cards
B2.3 Cell Specialisation
What is a stem cell,
What tissues retain stem cells,
What is the potency
25  cards
B3.1 Gas Exchange
Inspiration process,
Expiration process
2  cards
B3.2 Transport
Adaptations of capillaries,
How is tissue fluid formed,
What does tissue fluid do
52  cards
B3.3 Muscle and Motility
Example of motile organism,
Sessile organism example,
What does each striated muscle fi...
20  cards
Outline evidence for the endosymb...,
7 marks explain how carbohydrates...,
3 marks outline how the propertie...
4  cards

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biology ib hl

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