biology aqa foundation

This class was created by Brainscape user Freddie Mathews. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Cell structure
What is a cell called that has st...,
What sub cellular structures are ...,
What does the nucleus do
11  cards
Investiagating cells
How do you calculate magnification
1  cards
Cell division
What is a chromosome,
How many pairs of chromosomes do ...,
What is mitosis
6  cards
Transport in and out of cells
What is diffusion,
What is osmosis,
What is active transport
4  cards
Levels of organisation
What is a specialised cell
1  cards
What is the lock and key theory,
What do enzymes do,
How do enzymes work in digestion
14  cards
Blood and the circulation
What is plasma made up from,
What does plasma do,
What chemicals does plasma transp...
27  cards
Non communicable disease
What is good health,
How is a disease caused,
What is a non communicable disease
16  cards
Transport in plants
What is the epidermis,
What is the palisade mesophyll,
What is spongy mesophyll
8  cards
Pathogens and disease
0  cards
Human defences against disease
0  cards
Treating disease
0  cards
0  cards
Respiration and excercise
0  cards
Homeostasis and the nervous system
0  cards
Hormones and homeostasis
0  cards
Hormones and reproduction
0  cards
Sexual and asexual reproduction
0  cards
Patterns of inheritance
What is the combination of allele...,
How are alleles expressed charact...,
What are alleles called when they...
6  cards
Variation and evolution
0  cards
Manipulating genes
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
cycles and feeding relationships
0  cards
disrupting ecosystems
0  cards

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biology aqa foundation

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