This class was created by Brainscape user Isobel Briggs. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

2.1.1 cell structure
What is the function of the plasm...,
What is the cell wall,
What is the function of a cell wall
52  cards
2.1.2 biological molcules
Why is a water molecule polar,
How can water form hydrogen bonds,
Why does water have a high specif...
74  cards
2.1.3 nucleotides and nucleic acids
What is a nucleotide made from,
What are nucleotides,
What bases can be found in dna
36  cards
2.1.4 enzymes
What are enzymes,
What is an exampl of an
32  cards
2.1.5 biological membranes
What are the function of plasma m...,
What are the functions of membran...,
What structure do membranes have
32  cards
2.1.6 cell division and cellular organisation
What is the cell cycle,
How many chromosomes do humans ha...,
What is interphase
48  cards
3.1.1 exchange surfaces
Why do organisms exchange things ...,
How do we calculate surface area ...,
Why do multicellular organisms ne...
37  cards
3.1.2 circulatory systems
Why do multicellular organisms ne...,
What is a single circulatory system,
What is a double circulatory system
49  cards
3.1.3 transport in plants
Why do multicellular plants need ...,
What makes up a vascular bundle,
What is the function of the xylem
30  cards
5.1.2 Excretion
56  cards
6.1.3 manipulating genomes
What is pcr polymerase chain reac...,
What does the pcr reaction mixtur...,
What is the function of primers
6  cards
4.1.1 communicable diseases, disease prevention and the immune system
What is a communicable disease,
What is a disease,
What type of pathogen causes tube...
85  cards
4.2.1 biodiversity
What is biodiversity,
What is a species,
What is a habitat
21  cards

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biology a level

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