biology 8,9,10 genes and biodiversity

This class was created by Brainscape user Rionach Power. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

8.1 Genes and triplet code
What is a gene,
What what polypeptides and what d...,
Proteins may be enzymes what do t...
13  cards
8.2 DNA and chromosomes
What is the structure of dna in p...,
What is the structure of dna in e...,
When are chromosomes visible as d...
13  cards
8.3 Structures of ribonucleic acid
Where does the synthesis of prote...,
What happens to allow the coded i...,
What is messenger rna mrna how do...
13  cards
8.4 Polypeptide synthesis: Transcription and splicing
How does protein synthesis occur,
Cytoplasm contains biochemical ma...,
What is a good way to remember ho...
8  cards
8.5 Translation, polypeptide synthesis
What is a triplet code of dna tra...,
How many different types of trna ...,
Once mrna passes out of a nuclear...
6  cards
9.1 Gene mutation
What is a mutation,
How are sudden differences produc...,
Describe how substitution of base...
10  cards
9.2 Meiosis and genetic variation
What are the two types of cell di...,
What happens in sexual reproduction,
How are gametes made in animals v...
18  cards
9.3 and 18.3 Genetic diversity and adaptation
What is the main cause of variation,
What is a gene,
What do all members of the same s...
18  cards
9.4 Types of selection
What is selection,
What are the types of selection,
What is a normal distribution curve
9  cards
10.1 Species and taxonomy
What is classification,
What is a species,
What is the binomial systemwho ca...
22  cards
10.2 Diversity within a community
Definition of biodiversity,
What is species diversity,
What is genetic diversity
8  cards
10.3 Species diversity and human activities
What impact has human action had ...,
Why is biodiversity different bet...,
What impact does agricultural far...
11  cards
10.4 Investigating diversity
How was genetic diversity measure...,
What is an allele,
What are the limitations of measu...
10  cards
10.5 Quantitative investigation of variation
What is interspecific variation,
What is sampling,
Give two reasons why samples are ...
6  cards

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biology 8,9,10 genes and biodiversity

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