biology 4: human biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Sierra Cotton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Intro to Nervous System
List the general steps by which t...,
What are neurons,
Compare and contrast the central ...
15  cards
Identify the three main parts of ...,
Describe the myelin sheath and no...,
What is a synapse
13  cards
Central Nervous System
What is the central nervous system,
How is the central nervous system...,
What is the overall function of t...
15  cards
Peripheral Nervous System
Describe the general structure of...,
What are ganglia,
Identify three types of nerves ba...
13  cards
Psychoactive Drugs
What are psychoactive drugs,
Identify six classes of psychoact...,
Compare and contrast psychoactive...
15  cards
Intro to Endocrine System
What is the endocrine system what...,
Compare and contrast endocrine an...,
How do endocrine system messages ...
15  cards
Endocrine Hormones
What are endocrine hormones,
Define the target cell in the con...,
Explain how steroid hormones infl...
15  cards
Pituitary Gland
Explain why the pituitary gland i...,
Compare and contrast the two lobe...,
Identify two hormones released by...
17  cards
Thyroid Gland
Describe the structure and locati...,
Identify the types of cells withi...,
Compare and contrast t4 and t3
15  cards
Adrenal Glands
Describe the structure and locati...,
Compare and contrast the adrenal ...,
Identify the three layers of the ...
15  cards
Pancreas Gland
Describe the structure and locati...,
Distinguish between the endocrine...,
Identify the four types of pancre...
13  cards
Introduction to the Cardiovascular System
What is the cardiovascular system,
What are its main components desc...,
List the three major types of blo...
15  cards
What is the heart,
What is the structure of the heart,
Describe coronary circulation
13  cards
What are blood vessels name the t...,
Describe arteries identify the la...,
How are veins defined what are th...
15  cards
What is blood why is blood consid...,
Identify four physiological roles...,
Describe plasma and its components
13  cards
Blood Types
Define blood type and blood group...,
Explain the relationship between ...,
Identify the alleles genotypes an...
13  cards
Cardiovascular Disease
What is cardiovascular disease ho...,
List risk factors for cardiovascu...,
What is hypertension
15  cards
Introduction to the Digestive System
What is the digestive system,
What are the three main functions...,
Describe the gi tract
15  cards
Digestion and Absorption
Define digestion where does it occur,
Identify two organ systems that c...,
What is mechanical digestion wher...
13  cards
Disorders of the GI Tract
What is inflammatory bowel disease,
Describe typical symptoms of infl...,
Compare and contrast crohn s dise...
15  cards
Bonus Questions
Alternative names, acronyms, possible bonus question
38  cards

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biology 4: human biology

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