biology - 3form

This class was created by Brainscape user jia g. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

1  cards
0  cards
What is a cell,
All cells have,
What is inside the cytoplasm
15  cards
scales and microscopes
By changing the objective lense,
In science we measure lengths in,
Millimetres symbol
8  cards
levels of organisation
Multicellular organisms are like,
Cells are
17  cards
specialised cells
Cells begin as,
Are stem cells specialised for sp...,
Stem cells are able to
25  cards
biological molecules
The most common compounds,
Carbohydrates are made from,
The chemical reaction that breaks...
27  cards
biological molecules test
What is the test for starch,
Explain the test for starch,
What is the test for glucose redu...
20  cards
Enzymes are biological,
A catalyst is a,
The theory for understanding how ...
12  cards
nucleic acids (DNA)
What is a genome,
What is a chromosome,
What is a gene
16  cards
classifying organisms - eukaryotic
What 4 kingdoms are part of the e...,
Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells,
Plants are all _____ cellular
21  cards
classifying organisms - prokaryotes
Prokaryotes means,
The genetic material inside a pro...,
Some bacteria p others are d
22  cards
big to small exam
What are the chemical elements in...,
Which statement is truestarch is ...,
The definition of a gene is
17  cards
0  cards
2  cards
effects of smoking
What is the addictive drug in tob...,
There are at least __ ___________...,
Smoking increases the risk of can...
10  cards
blood clotting
Platelets are,
If the platelets are exposed to o...,
These chemicals cause the soluble...
11  cards
components of a balanced diet
Carbohydrates what food sourcewha...,
Proteinswhat food sourcewhat func...,
Lipids fats what food sourcewhat ...
22  cards
Adaptions of red blood cells,
Haemoglobin binds to oxygen to form,
What side of the heart does deoxy...
19  cards
0  cards

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biology - 3form

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