biology 3100

This class was created by Brainscape user Nickisha Dunkley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Intro to anatomy and physiology
What are the chemical levels of o...,
What is the cellular level of org...,
What is the organ level of organi...
46  cards
The tissue level of organization - Epithelia tissue
Define tissues,
What is histology,
What are the four types of tissue
42  cards
The tissue level of organization- Connective tissue
What are the components of connec...,
What are the functions of connect...,
State the categories of connectiv...
45  cards
The tissue level of organization-muscle tissue
What are the three types of muscl...,
Describe the skeletal muscle tissue,
Describe the cardiac muscle tissue
11  cards
The Integumentary System
What are the two major parts of t...,
What are the components of the cu...,
What are the accessory structure
52  cards
Bone and Bone Structure
What is the primary functions of ...,
Bones are classified by their,
What are sone bone shapes
4  cards
axial skeleton
How many bones are in the axial s...,
How many bones are in the skull,
How many bones are in the bones a...
39  cards
Appendicular skeleton
How many bones are in the appendi...,
What are the main pars of the app...,
What is the function of the pecto...
15  cards
Joints - 9.1 classification of joints
What are joints,
What are the classification schem...,
What are the structural classific...
8  cards
Joints-9.2 Synovial Joints
What is another name for synovial...,
Describe the synovial joint,
Synovial fluid contains
6  cards
Joints-9.3-Movements of the synovial joints
What are the planes of movement,
What are the types of movement at...,
What is gliding movements
7  cards
Joints-9.4 intervertebral joints
Describe the intervertebral disc,
What are some damages to interver...
2  cards
Joints-9.5 Elbow and knee joints
What type of joint is found in th...,
2  cards
9.6- joints- shoulder and hip joints
0  cards
9.7-joints- effects of aging on joints
Describe arthritis,
Describe rheumatism,
Describe osteoarthritis
7  cards
10.1-muscles- functions of muscles
What are the function of the musc...,
State some common properties of m...,
What are the function of the skel...
3  cards
10.2 muscles- organization of skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle contains,
What are three layers of skeletal...,
Describe the epimysium
6  cards
10.3-muscles- skeletal muscle fibers
Skeletal muscle fibers develop by...,
What is the sacrolemma,
What is the transverse tubules
13  cards
10.4-Muscle - Neuromuscular junction
What are the excitable membranes,
What is the neuromuscular junction,
Which neurotransmitter is release...
8  cards
Nervous Tissue-12-1: Divisons of the Nervous system
State the two anatomical division...,
What are the parts of the cns,
What are the parts of the pns
6  cards
Chapter 12.2- Neurons
What are the parts of the neuron,
What are the structural classific...,
What are the functional classific...
8  cards
Chapter 12.3 neuroglia
What is the function of the neuro...,
What are the types of neuroglia i...,
What is the function of astrocytes
11  cards
chapter-12.4- 12.5 Membrane Potential
Extracellular fluid contains conc...,
Cytosol contains and,
What are the passive processes ac...
22  cards
Chapter 12.6 synapses
What is presynaptic neuron,
What is the postsynaptic neuron,
What are the types of synapses
9  cards
chapter 12.7 - neurotransmitters' and neuromodulators
What are the classes of neurotran...,
What are the major classes of neu...,
List some biogenic amines
8  cards
12-8 Information processing
What are the types of postsynapti...,
What are the types of summations,
What happens when a neuron become...
5  cards

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biology 3100

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