biology 3 - exchange

This class was created by Brainscape user alexa anderson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

SA:Vol and Gas exchange
What is tissue fluid,
Why do the majority of cells,
What happens to the sa vol as an ...
16  cards
Gas Exchnage In Insects
What is a tracheae in insects exp...,
How do gases move in and out of t...,
What 3 methods does gas move in a...
9  cards
Gas Exchange In Fish
What does partial pressure of oxy...,
Does water have a lower or higher...,
Do fish have a small or large sa vol
8  cards
Gas Exchange In A Leaf
Is the rate of photosynthesis hig...,
What happens in regards of gas ex...,
What happens in regards to gas ex...
6  cards
Gas Exhange In Humans
Why do mammals have a high metabo...,
Why are specialised ventilation m...,
Describe the path or air from env...
12  cards
Mechanism Of Breathing
What is ventilation breathing,
What are inhalation and expiratio...,
What is the difference in movemen...
6  cards
Calculations With Spirometer
What is a spirometer,
How is a spirometer used,
What is tidal volume
17  cards
Lung Diseases
What are risk factors for lung di...,
What does directly proportional mean,
What is the difference between co...
6  cards
The Digestive System
What is intracellular digestion,
What is extracellular digestion,
Label the diagram
9  cards
Carbohydrate Digestion
Explain carbohydrate digestion,
What is peristalsis,
What is the importance of membran...
3  cards
Lipid Digestion
Explain lipid digestion,
What is bile,
What is emulsification
3  cards
Protein Digestion
What are proteins hydrolysed by,
What do endopeptidases do give ex...,
What do exopeptidases do
4  cards
Absorption Of Products Of Digestion
How is the walls of ileum adapted...,
How are monosaccharides and amino...
2  cards
Absorption Of Triglycerides
Describe and explain how triglyce...,
Label the diagram
2  cards
Mini Pracs
What is visking tubing and when c...,
What is phenolphthalein
2  cards
Where is haemoglobin found,
Describe and explain the structur...,
What does haemoglobin bind to in ...
19  cards
Circulatory System
Mammals have a closed double circ...,
What does the blood transport,
What does the pulmonary artery do
37  cards
Blood, Tissue Fluid and Lymph Fluid
What 4 components is blood made o...,
What dissolved substances does pl...,
What is tissue fluid and what is ...
6  cards
Cardiovascular Disease
0  cards
Xylem And Transport Of Water
0  cards
Phloem And Transport Of Assimilates
0  cards

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biology 3 - exchange

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