
This class was created by Brainscape user Unknown Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Define chromosomes,
Define gene,
Define allele
36  cards
menstrual cycle
Menstrual cycle 4 stages,
Hormonesrole of fshfollicle stimu...,
Hormonesrole of oestrogen
5  cards
Define asexual productiongive exa...,
Advantages of asexual production,
Disadvantages of asexual production
30  cards
diseases and immunity
Explain how vaccination can contr...,
Define pathogen,
Define host
17  cards
transport in animals
Define circulatory system,
What kind of circulatory system d...,
What kind of circulatory system d...
25  cards
coordination & response
What is the role of nervous syste...,
Define cns,
Define pns
14  cards
hormones & homeostasis
Define hormone,
What are the glands that produce ...,
What gland secretes the following...
18  cards
tropic responses
Define gravitropism,
Explain the role of auxin in cont...,
Define phototropism
5  cards
excretion in humans
Where s carbon dioxide excreted from,
Where s urea excess water and ion...,
How do plants excrete waste mater...
9  cards
gas exchange in humans
Features of gas exchange surfaces...,
How are the lungs protected air b...,
Where does gas exchange take place
10  cards
State the uses of energy in livin...,
Define aerobic respiration,
Aerobic respiration word equation
11  cards
movement in & out of cells
kinda hate this topic!!!!! hahahahahaha
11  cards
characteristics and classification
useless ahh
13  cards
biological molecules!!
10  cards
Define catalyst,
Define enzymes,
Describe why enzymes are importan...
6  cards
plant nutrition
i dont care what plants eat
9  cards
human nutrition
36  cards
transport in plants
fuck off plants! :D
17  cards
variation and selection
Define variation,
Define continuous variation,
Define discontinuous variation
31  cards
nutrient cycles
Describe the carbon cycle,
Describe nitrogen cycle,
What are the 4 types of microorga...
3  cards
populations (19.4)
Define population,
Define community,
Define ecosystem
5  cards
human influences on ecosystem
Describe how humans have increase...,
Describe the advantages and disad...,
Describe the advantages and disad...
21  cards
Discuss why bacteria are useful i...,
Describe the role of anaerobic re...,
Describe the role of anaerobic re...
7  cards
genetic modification
Define genetic modification,
Outline examples of genetic modif...,
Outline the process of genetic mo...
4  cards
exam questions
Why meiosis necessary in testes,
Why plants store starch,
Outline the pathway in a reflex a...
4  cards

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