
This class was created by Brainscape user Muminah Hussain. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Exchange- Size And Surface Area
What sa v ratio do large animals ...,
What sa v ratio do small animals ...,
Why is diffusion easier is single...
12  cards
Exchnage - Gas Exchnage In Plants And Animals
Describe counter current system i...,
Describe adaptations of fish,
What do insects use for gas exchange
8  cards
Exchange -Gas Exchange In Humans
What is inspiration,
What is expiration,
Adaptations of alveoli
3  cards
Exchange- Digestion And Absorption
Digestion in carbohydrates,
Digestion in lipids
2  cards
Biological molecules- Carbohydrates
What are monomers,
How is sucrose formed,
What is a condensation reaction
17  cards
Biological molecules - lipids
What is the structure of a trigly...,
What is the structure of the fatt...,
How is a triglyceride formed
13  cards
Biological molecules - proteins
How is a dipeptide bond formed,
How is a polypeptide formed,
What is the general structure of ...
9  cards
Biological molecules- Enzymes
How does an enzyme substrate comp...,
What is the lock and key theory,
What is the induced fit model
11  cards
Cell structure - Euk cells
What are some examples of euk cells,
What is the difference between an...,
What are the differences between ...
8  cards
Cell recongition
How can different molecules be de...,
What is an antigen,
What will happen if a mutation oc...
23  cards
8  cards
DNA genes and chromsomes
Difference between euk and prok dna,
What is a gene,
What do genes that don t code for...
13  cards
Meoisis and geneic variation
What happens before meiosis,
What happens is meosis 1,
What happens in meosis 2
8  cards
DNA genes and chromsomes
How are proteins digested in the gut,
2  cards

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