
This class was created by Brainscape user Nusaybah Ahmad. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (44)

1.1 + 1.2 - Carbohydrates
What is a monomer 1,
Describe a biochemical test to sh...,
Glycogen and cellulose are both c...
17  cards
1.3 - Lipids
The general structure of a fatty ...,
Describe how you would test for t...,
Describe how a triglyceride molec...
7  cards
1.4 - Proteins
Describe the induced fit model of...,
A competitive inhibitor decreases...,
Describe how the structure of a p...
14  cards
1.5 - Nucleic acids
Name the type of bond between a c...,
Describe the structure of dna 5,
Describe how a phosphodiester bon...
9  cards
1.6 - ATP, 1.7 - Water + 1.8 - Inorganic ions
Describe how an atp molecule is f...,
Water is used to hydrolyse atpnam...,
Atp is an energy source used in m...
8  cards
2.1 - Cell structure
Describe the role of one named or...,
Explain why it is not possible to...,
Give two structures found in all ...
19  cards
2.2 - All cells arise from other cells
Describe binary fission in bacter...,
Suggest and explain how two envir...,
Name the fixed position occupied ...
16  cards
2.3 - Transport across cell membranes
Name and describe five ways subst...,
Explain the function of this atp ...,
The movement of na out of the cel...
13  cards
2.4 - Cell recognition and the immune system
Describe how hiv is replicated 4,
Adcs are molecules made of a mono...,
Some of the antigens found on the...
24  cards
3.1 - Surface area to volume ratio
Explain the advantage for larger ...,
Mammals such as a mouse and a hor...,
Describe the relationship between...
4  cards
3.2 - Gas exchange
Describe and explain one feature ...,
Tidal volume is the volume of air...,
Explain how the counter current p...
12  cards
3.3 - Digestion and absorption
Describe the processes involved i...,
Describe the role of micelles in ...,
Describe the role of enzymes in t...
5  cards
3.4.1 - Mass transport in animals
Give the pathway a red blood cell...,
Tissue fluid is formed from blood...,
Explain how an arteriole can redu...
11  cards
3.4.2 - Mass transport in plants
The mass flow hypothesis is used ...,
Phloem pressure is reduced during...,
A different student used coloured...
5  cards
4.1 - DNA, genes and chromosomes
Name the fixed position occupied ...,
Describe how a gene is a code for...,
Define the term exon 1
13  cards
4.2 - DNA and protein synthesis
Name the type of bond between com...,
Describe two differences between ...,
In a eukaryotic cell the structur...
12  cards
4.3 - Genetic diversity can arise as a result of mutation or during meiosis
Define the term mutagenic agent 1,
Apart from mutation explain one o...,
Give one reason why trout eggs pr...
7  cards
4.4 - Genetic diversity and adaptation
Suggest why the scientist took hi...,
Suggest and explain why the frequ...
2  cards
4.5 - Species and taxonomy
In taxonomy an organism is identi...,
Figure 1 represents the phylogene...,
State three comparisons of geneti...
5  cards
4.6 - Biodiversity within a community
Explain why it is more useful to ...,
What data would the students need...,
Give two ways the students would ...
11  cards
4.7 - Investigating diversity
The genetic diversity of species ...,
Outline a method the ecologists c...,
Describe how you would investigat...
3  cards
5.1 - Photosynthesis
Describe what happens during phot...,
Heat stress is a condition that o...,
A decrease in the activity of the...
8  cards
5.2 - Respiration
Describe the process of glycolysis 4,
Malonate inhibits a reaction in t...,
In muscles pyruvate is converted ...
15  cards
5.3 - Energy and ecosystems
Large areas of land have to be us...,
In the investigation the scientis...,
Define the term trophic level as ...
13  cards
5.4 - Nutrient cycles
Freshwater marsh soils are normal...,
Describe the role of saprobionts ...,
One environmental issue arising f...
27  cards
6.1.1 - Survival and response
Suggest two advantages of simple ...,
Define the term tropism 1,
Organisms can only survive if the...
7  cards
6.1.2 - Receptors
A pacinian corpuscle detects pres...,
Describe how the stretch mediated...,
Explain why the membrane potentia...
11  cards
6.1.3 - Control of heart rate
Exercise causes an increase in he...,
When the heart beats both ventric...,
Describe how a heartbeat is initi...
8  cards
6.2 - Nervous coordination
Explain why the speed of transmis...,
Explain how a resting potential i...,
A scientist investigated the effe...
16  cards
6.3 - Skeletal muscles
Explain the banding pattern shown...,
Explain how a decrease in the con...,
Atp is an energy source used in m...
19  cards
6.4.1 - Principles of homeostasis and negative feedback
Define the term homeostasis 1,
One of the systems involved with ...,
Homeostatic mechanisms work to re...
5  cards
6.4.2 - Control of blood glucose concentration
Using your knowledge of the kidne...,
Describe the role of glucagon in ...,
Explain how increasing a cell s s...
18  cards
6.4.3 - Control of blood water potential
Identify 2 features of the bowman...,
Describe how ultrafiltration occu...,
Give the location of osmoreceptor...
15  cards
7.1 - Inheritance + 7.2 - Populations
In fruit flies males have the sex...,
In genetic crosses the observed p...,
Give two causes of genetic variat...
13  cards
7.3 - Evolution may lead to speciation
What is a gene pool 1,
Lord howe island in the tasman se...,
There are nine subspecies of gira...
18  cards
7.4 - Populations in ecosystems
Describe how you could estimate t...,
Describe how the mark release rec...,
Apart from availability of water ...
11  cards
8.1 - Alteration of the sequence of bases in DNA can alter the structure of proteins
Describe how alterations to tumou...,
What is a substitution mutation 1,
Suggest how gel electrophoresis s...
14  cards
8.2.1 - Stem cells
0  cards
8.2.2 Regulation of transcription and translation
0  cards
8.2.3 - Gene expression and cancer
0  cards
8.3 - Using genome projects
0  cards
8.4.1 - Recombinant DNA technology
0  cards
8.4.2 - DNA probes
0  cards
8.4.3 - Genetic fingerprinting
0  cards

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