
This class was created by Brainscape user George Holroyd. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

How much can a light microscope m...,
How much can an electron microsco...,
Give an advantage of a light micr...
20  cards
B1 ///2
What are nerve cells specialised ...,
What do nerve cells have to do th...,
What are muscle cells specialised...
19  cards
What is osmosis,
What does isotonic mean,
What does hypertonic mean
11  cards
What are the 3 stages of the cell...,
What is the second stage of the c...,
What is the third stage of the ce...
13  cards
What is a tissue,
Give 2 examples of tissues,
What does the digestive system in...
25  cards
What is plasma,
What does plasma transport,
What is the pigment in a red bloo...
20  cards
What is epidermal tissue,
What does palisade mesophyll contain,
What does palisade mesophyll do
16  cards
What is a communicable disease,
What is a non communicable disease,
Give 3 factors affecting health
20  cards
How are vaccines created,
What is herd immunity,
What do anti biotics do
19  cards
How is rbs spread,
Give an example of a protist disease,
Give 4 examples of the human defe...
7  cards
B6 & 7
How did alexander fleming discove...,
What are called monoclonal,
What use monoclonal antibodies
12  cards
Microscope RqP
What does this practical do,
What is the first step,
What is the second stage
5  cards
Osmosis RqP
What is the first stage,
What is the second stage,
What is the third stage
6  cards
Food Tests RqP
What is the first stage,
What is the second stage,
What is the third stage
9  cards
Amylase RqP
What is the first stage,
What is the second stage,
What is the third stage
5  cards

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