
This class was created by Brainscape user Mehr Vineet. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Ecosystems - Structure and Components
What is an ecosystem,
What is the structure of the ecos...,
What are biotics components
12  cards
Functions and threats to the Ecosystem
What are the main functions of an...,
What are the functional units of ...,
What is the functional unit produ...
8  cards
Types of Ecosystems
What are the two main types of ec...,
What are terrestrial ecosystems,
What are the two types of terrest...
14  cards
What are habitats,
What is biodiversity,
6  cards
Interdependence of living species
What is an organism,
What is interdependence,
What is symbiosis
6  cards
Invasive Species
What are invasive species,
Describe the invasive species lio...,
Describe the invasive species jap...
6  cards
Water Cycle and Bioaccumulation
What is bioaccumalation,
What is a pesticide,
What is biomagnification
4  cards
Sampling Ecosystems
What is a population,
What are quadrants,
What do quadrants record
6  cards
Respiration; The Basics
What is respiration,
What are the two types of respira...,
What is the difference between br...
4  cards
Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
What is aerobic respiration,
What is anaerobic respiration,
What is the word equation of aero...
10  cards
The Respiratory System
What is the respiratory system,
What are the differences between ...,
What are the differences between ...
4  cards
Parts of the respiratory system
What is the function of the ribs ...,
What is the function of the inter...,
What is the function of the diaph...
9  cards
The Lungs
0  cards
Gas Exchange
How do the features of the gas ex...,
What are the common features of t...,
Where does gas exchange take plac...
3  cards

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