
This class was created by Brainscape user Lara B. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

1A Circulatory System
Important properties of water,
Why do large organisms need mass ...,
Vein structure n function
9  cards
1B Lifestyle and Disease
Atherosclerosis steps,
Thrombosis steps,
Risk factors for cvd
10  cards
1C Diet and Health
Energy for weight gain,
Energy for weight loss,
Monosaccharides types
16  cards
2A Gas exchange
Adaptations of the lungs,
Ficks law
12  cards
2B Proteins and Genetics
What are proteins made up of,
Structure of an amino acid,
Polypeptide formation reaction an...
18  cards
2C Inheritance
How does dna replicate,
Semi conservative replication,
Evidence for semi conservative re...
17  cards
3A Cells
Nucleus structure and function,
Lysosome structure and function,
Ribosome structure and function
19  cards
3B Reproduction and Inheritance
Sperm cell specialisation,
Egg cell specialisation,
7  cards
3C Differentiation and variation
What is a stem cell,
Transcription factors,
What is an operon
10  cards
4A Biodiversity
Biodiversity definition,
What is endemism,
Sampling a habitat
9  cards
6A Forensics
Factors effecting tod,
Core body temperature in tod,
Rigor mortis
9  cards
6B Microorganisms and immunity
Virus structure,
How is hiv transmitted,
Hiv replication
19  cards
Topic 7A Muscles and Respiration
What is a ligament,
What is a tendon,
How do bones bend at a joint
29  cards
Topic 7B Exercise
What does myogenic mean,
Another name for san,
How does the heart contract
22  cards
8A Responding to the environment
1  cards

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