This class was created by Brainscape user Sana Mehbub. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Biology - cells
Biology revision
15  cards
Specialised cells
Egg cell,
Egg cell adaptions,
Sperm cell
12  cards
Light microscope,
Disadvantages of light microscope,
Electron microscope
12  cards
What is a enzyme,
Whats a catalyst,
Whats the active site
25  cards
Guard cell,
Why do stomata close at night
18  cards
What is mitosis,
Where is our dna
12  cards
Meiosis makes sperm and egg cells,
How many cell divisions are there,
How many chromosomes does it have
5  cards
Active transport
9  cards
Stem cells
What is cell differentiation,
When does cell differentiation st...,
Cell differentiation in plants
13  cards
Converting units
Picometers to nanometers,
Nanometres to micrometres,
Micrometres to millimetres
9  cards
Exchange and Transportation
Features of specialised exchange ...,
What is alveoli,
10  cards
The heart
How many chambers does the heart ...,
Pulmonary vein,
Vena cava
13  cards
Why do organisms need energy,
What is cellular respiration,
Aerobic respiration
10  cards
What is a ecosystem,
19  cards
Water cycle
What is evaporation link to the w...,
What is condenstation
12  cards
Carbon cycle
What is photosynthesis,
What is respiration,
What has repiration got to do wit...
7  cards
The immune system
Phsical barrier against pathogens...,
How is our nose a physical barrie...,
What happens to the pathogen fill...
11  cards
What is a hormone,
Thyroid gland,
The pituitary gland
23  cards
Plant structures
Equation for photosynthesis,
3  cards

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