
This class was created by Brainscape user Elise Zallu. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

Cell Membrane Structure
What are the two forms of a cell ...,
What is the role of membranes,
What is the fluid mosaic model
18  cards
Define diffusion,
When does diffusion end,
Is diffusion passive or active
14  cards
Active transport
What is bulk transport,
What is endocytosis,
What is exocytosis
6  cards
Define osmosis what is the process,
What is water potential,
What is the symbol for water pote...
22  cards
Co Transport
Does co transport require energy,
Co transport model answer,
What would happen if there was a ...
3  cards
What are the 3 statistical tests,
What is an example of a correlati...,
What is a null hypothesis
6  cards
Digestion And Absorption
Starch digestion model answer,
Protein digestion model answer,
What do exopeptidases do
7  cards
What is a mutation,
How are gene mutations caused,
What are mutagenic agents
10  cards
What is the purpose of meiosis,
Short meiosis model answer 4,
What is a non disjunction
7  cards
Natural Selection
Model answer,
What is artificial selection,
What is selection pressure
9  cards
What is phylogeny,
What are points of divergence,
What is the binomial naming system
9  cards
Genetic Diversity
What is genetic bottlenecking,
What is the founder effect,
Who does the founder effect impac...
4  cards
Courtship Behaviour
Why is courtship behaviour important,
Why do individuals need to recogn...
2  cards
Investigating Biodiversity
What are the genetic methods of c...,
How can dna be used to classify o...,
What is dna hybridisation
8  cards
Standard Deviation
What is standard deviation,
What does a larger standard devia...,
Why is standard deviation beneficial
6  cards
What is a pathogen,
Examples of pathogens,
What are antigens
5  cards
Exchange- Ventilation
Explain how goblet cells are adap...,
What is boyles law,
Model answer
12  cards
What is tidal volume,
What is breathing ventilation rate,
What is pulmonary ventilation rate
5  cards
Mass Transport
What are arteries,
What are veins,
What are capillaries
36  cards
Cardiac Cycle
What happens in diastole,
What happens in atrial systole,
What happens in ventricular systole
5  cards
Tissue Fluid
What does plasma do,
What do rbc do,
What do wbc do
8  cards
What is cohesion,
What is adhesion,
What is cohesion tension theory
12  cards
What is translocation for,
How are companion cells adapted,
What is the mass flow hypothesis
9  cards
Investigating Transpiration
What is a potometer,
Why is rate of transpiration not ...,
Why is grease used with a potometer
5  cards
Dna And Chromosomes
What is a chromosome,
When are chromosomes visible,
How are chromosomes formed
6  cards
The Genetic Code
What is a gene,
What is an allele,
What are the 4 features of the ge...
13  cards
What is gene expression and what ...,
What is the purpose of transcript...,
What is transcription
7  cards
What is an anticodon,
Translation model answer
2  cards
Impact Of Agriculture
Why is biodiversity important,
What is the problem with a large ...,
What is the problem with hedgerows
8  cards
Antigens And Phagocytosis
What are antigens,
What are phagocytes,
Phagocytosis model answer
3  cards
Cell Mediated Immunity
What type of cells does cell medi...,
What is the purpose of cell media...,
What happens to a t cell once bou...
4  cards
Humoural Immunity
What are the features of an antibody,
What kinds of bonds are in an ant...,
What is the role of the antigen b...
8  cards
What is a monoclonal antibody,
How does a monoclonal antibody work,
What is a polyclonal antibody
5  cards
What is a vaccine,
Vaccines protect people against d...,
What is herd immunity
6  cards
What is a niche,
What is a biotic factor,
What is an abiotic factor
24  cards

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