
This class was created by Brainscape user Will Preen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Hormones Test
Hormones are transported around t...,
Blood glucose concentration is de...
24  cards
What does the cell membrane do,
What does the nucleus do,
Stretch an organelle is a part of...
14  cards
Mitosis And Meiosis
How many daughter cells are forme...,
Mitosis is important for,
During which phase of mitosis doe...
20  cards
Transport In Cells
Diffusion is the movement from an...,
Will diffusion happen faster or s...,
Which state can diffusion not hap...
20  cards
DNA structure And Genetics
Which base does adenine pair with,
What is the shape of dna,
What is the basic units of dna ca...
20  cards
Enzymes And Food Tests
What is the name of the chemical ...,
What colour indicates a positive ...,
What chemical is used to test for...
20  cards
Hormones (Plant and Animal)
Were is insulin produced,
What is the role of oestrogen in ...,
What is meant by the term homeost...
19  cards
Blood and Blood Vessels
What is the purpose of a red bloo...,
Platelets are involved in which p...,
What is the function of the plasm...
20  cards
What are the products of aerobic ...,
What are the reactants of aerobic...,
How are muscle cells adapted for ...
20  cards
What are the two products of phot...,
What provides the energy for phot...,
What do we call the holes in the ...
20  cards
Selective Breeding and Genetic Engineering
In genetic engineering an organis...,
What does gm stand for,
Which of these is not a reason fo...
12  cards
Why are advantageous traits more ...,
What causes variation between org...,
The theory of evolution was propo...
19  cards
Non-Communicable Disease
Which treatment for coronary hear...,
What is coronary heart disease,
What is a statin
20  cards
Transpiration and Translocation
Where does translocation occur,
The phloem consists of,
Cells in the phloem are
20  cards
Communicable Disease
The four types of pathogen are,
Microorganisms that cause disease...,
The drugs that people take to cur...
20  cards
Required Practicals Paper Two
The diagram shows some equipment ...,
Suggest why led lamps are more us...,
Which dependent variable is more ...
17  cards
Required Practicles Paper 1
0  cards

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