
This class was created by Brainscape user STUDENT - MERIAM BOUGUENOUS. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Photo/Cell Resp
Catabolic reaction
10  cards
Unit 5: DNA Replication
What is a nucleic acid,
What is a nucleotide,
What is the name for dna
32  cards
Unit 5: Protein Synthesis
Dna are codes for what,
What do proteins do,
What is the order of events to ex...
16  cards
Unit 5: Mutation
What is a mutation,
What are the three causes of muta...,
What are the two types of mutations
17  cards
Unit 5: Study Guide Questions
What marcomolecule would dna and ...,
What is the monomer of dna,
The monomers that get bonded to m...
30  cards
Unit 1: Experimental Design and Graphing Data
What is the purpose of science,
What is the steps to the scientif...,
What does qualitative observation...
17  cards
Unit 1: Characteristics of Life
What are the characteristics of l...,
What is the cellular organization,
What is unicellular
20  cards
Unit 2: Macromolecules
What are the four major groups of...,
What is the monomer of carbohydrates,
What is the 2 monomers of carbohy...
20  cards
Unit 2: Proteins and Enzymes
What is the first step of organiz...,
What is primary structure,
What is the second step in protein
19  cards
Unit 3: Cell Structure & Organelle
What are the three main things to...,
What is the difference between eu...,
What is cell membrane
32  cards
Unit 3: Homeostasis and Feedback Loop
What is homeostasis,
What the equilibrium,
What is a feedback loop
13  cards
Unit 3: Cell Membrane Function
What is the cell membrane out of,
Why is the cell membrane consider...,
What is passive transport
13  cards
Unit 6: Meiosis
What does dna mean,
What is chromatin,
What is chromosome
28  cards
Meiosis Notes 2
What is meiosis required for,
What is meiosis,
What is sexual reproduction
9  cards
Mitosis Cell Cycle Notes
As soon as a egg cell and sperm c...,
When a cell divides it allows liv...,
Eurkaryotic cells that do divide ...
19  cards
Cell Differentiation
What is development,
What is a zygote,
What is a blastocyst
25  cards
Cell Cycle Quiz Flashcards
An egg and sperm cell fuse to for...,
Term location where replicated ch...,
Term a pair of small organelles t...
13  cards
Unit 7: Notes 1 - Genotypes and Phenotypes
What are traits,
What is heredity,
What is a gene
12  cards
Unit 7 - Notes 2: Punnett Squares
What is the 3 laws of inheritance,
What is law of dominance,
What is law of segregation
13  cards
Unit 7: Notes 3 - Incomplete and Codominance
What is mendelian genetics,
What is complete dominance,
What is non mendelian genetics
6  cards
Unit 7: Notes 4 - Mutiple Alleles, Polygenic Traits, Sex-Linked
What are mutiple alleles,
Do diploid organisms have multipl...,
What is polygenic inheritance
8  cards
Unit 10: Ecology - Notes 1
What is ecology,
What does organisms require,
What does organisms depend on
36  cards
Unit 10: Ecology - Notes 2
What are the levels of biological...,
What is organism,
What is population
25  cards
Unit 10: Ecology - Notes 3
What is biogeochemical cycle,
What is a short term cycle,
What is a long term cycle example
20  cards

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