
This class was created by Brainscape user Lou eung. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

2.2 Water
What are the uses of water becaus...,
What are the properties of water,
Because ice is less dense than wa...
16  cards
2.2 Carbohydrates
Define carbohydrates,
What bond is formed between two m...,
What are carbohydrates for
44  cards
2.2 Lipids
What are lipids,
What are the functions of lipids,
What are the two main categories ...
14  cards
2.2 Proteins
What are proteins formed from,
How many different amino acids ar...,
What is the structure of amino acids
28  cards
2.1 Cell Structure
Features of light microscopes,
Laser scanning microscopes
18  cards
2.2 Inorganic ions
What are inorganic ions,
14  cards
2.2 Qualitative And Quantitative Tests for biological molecules
Whats the test for reducing sugars,
What would the result be of heati...,
What is the test for non reducing...
11  cards
2.3 Nucleic Acids
What is the structure of dna,
What bond holds the two polynucle...,
What are the four bases and which...
5  cards
2.5 Cell Membranes
What is the fluid mosaic model,
11  cards
0  cards
The Celly Cycle
What two main parts does the cell...,
What three stages can interphase ...,
What happens during the g1 phase
26  cards
What is the job of enzymes,
What is the active site,
What is the induced fit model
14  cards
3.1 Exchange surfaces
How is surface area to volume rat...,
Name 3 features of an efficient g...,
Describe the trachea and its func...
34  cards
Circulatory system
Do fish have an open or closed ci...,
Do mammals and fish have an open ...,
What are the advantages of having...
22  cards
4.1 Disease
What is a pathogen,
What are the four types of pathogens,
16  cards
Primary Defences Against Pathogens
2  cards
1  cards
0  cards
tissue fluid
Tissue fluid formation
1  cards

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