
This class was created by Brainscape user Imtinan Hussein. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Cell Structure - Organelles
Describe the function of vacuoles,
Describe the function of the smoo...,
Describe the function of the nucleus
16  cards
Cell structure - microscopy
What is a laser scanning confocal...,
What is a compund light microscope,
What is scanning electron microsc...
12  cards
Plasma cell membrane
What is the plasma membrane function,
What are the functions of intrace...,
What is the fluid mosaic model
17  cards
Transport in membranes
What is the plasma cell membrane,
What s diffusion,
What is osmosis
18  cards
Biological Molecules - Water
Describe the molecular structure ...,
Why is water described as dipolar,
Why is ice less dense than water
15  cards
Biological Molecules - Condensation / Hydrolysis
Why are carbohydrates important,
What is the structural difference...,
What is some examples of condensa...
18  cards
What is a saturated fatty acid dr...,
What is an unsaturated fatty acid,
Describe how a triglyceride is fo...
8  cards
What is a polypeptide,
What is a dipeptide,
What takes place in the primary s...
17  cards
Biological tests
Describe how to prepare a solid f...,
Describe how to test a liquid sam...,
What are some healthy and safety ...
8  cards
Nucleotides and Nucleic acids
What is a nucleotide,
Dna nucleotide,
Rna nucleotide
32  cards
Psychology - Social influence
What is nsi normative social infl...,
What is social influence,
What type of conformity does norm...
39  cards
Cell cycle
What is the cell cycle simple,
What are the uses of cell cycle,
What stage does a cell spend most...
23  cards
Specialised cells
What are specialised cells,
What are erythrocytes and their f...,
What are neutrophils and their fu...
13  cards
Stem cell
1what are stem cells,
What is potency,
What are the three types of potency
14  cards
Gas Exchange In Animals
Explain tissues of the human exch...,
Explain tissue in human exchange ...,
What happens during inspiration b...
11  cards
Gas Exchange In Insects
What is the circulatory system in...,
Where is the main site of gas exc...,
What does the trachea extend into
10  cards
Gas Exchange in Fish
What are fish made up of,
What is the circulatory system of...,
What is the operculum
8  cards
Exchange surfaces and transport exam qs
Explain how she could improve her...,
Blood and water flow across the l...,
Blood and water flow across the l...
4  cards
What is intraspecific variation,
What is interspecific variation,
What are the two types of variation
17  cards
Transport in animals
What are the 4 types,
What is a circulatory system,
Explain open circulatory system
7  cards
Cell Structure - exam style questions (gone wrong)
What is the function of the ser,
Two features of a plant cell that...,
One structure present in animal c...
10  cards
What are enzymes,
What is the structure of enzymes,
3  cards

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