
This class was created by Brainscape user Jackie Sebesta. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

T1- cell structure and transport
Differences between prokaryotic a...,
How is genetic material stored in...,
What are plasmids
35  cards
T1- cell division
What are chromosomes made up of,
What is a gene,
How many chromosomes in human bod...
17  cards
T2-organisation-digestive system
What is the main function of the ...,
Role of pancreas and salivary glands,
Role of stomach
20  cards
What id the heart,
Whats is the purpose of the circu...,
How does the double circulatory s...
39  cards
t2-plant organisation
What is the epidermal tissue,
What is the palisade mesophyll,
What is the spongy mesophyll
14  cards
T3- infection and response
What is a communicable disease,
What is a pathogen,
How do bacteria cause disease
41  cards
t4- respiration
What do we use energy for,
What is metabolism,
Describe aerobic respiration
8  cards
t5-homeostasis- the brain and nervous system
What is homeostasis,
What 3 things does homeostasis co...,
What do nervous and hormonal comm...
22  cards
t5- homeostasis- the eye
What does the iris control,
What does the lens do,
What does the cornea do
15  cards
t5- homeostasis in humans
What is body temp controlled by,
What happens in the skin when we ...,
What happens in blood vessels whe...
24  cards
t6-reproduction and genes
What is needed in asexual reprodu...,
What is needed in sexual reproduc...,
Describe sexual reproduction
13  cards
What are dominant alleles,
What are recessive alleles,
What are homozygous alleles
4  cards
T7- ecology
What are abiotic factors,
What are biotic factors,
What are stable communities
43  cards
1 microscopydescribe process,
2 microbiologydescribe process,
3 osmosisdescribe process
8  cards

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