
This class was created by Brainscape user Karisa Sol-Edeigba. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Parts of the Cell
1  cards
Midterm #1
What did mendell do,
What did mendell do,
3  cards
What is a true bred parent,
Genotype vs phenotype,
What is the resulting genotype an...
36  cards
Different Diseases
What diseases are autosomal dominant,
What diseases are autosomal reces...,
What diseases are xlinked dominant
17  cards
Learning Objectives (Midterm #2)
1 describe the difference between...,
Use a punnett square to solve gen...,
30  cards
What is evolution,
Describe what is required in orde...,
Selective pressure
20  cards
Experimental Design Question
Name the 10 parts of an experimen...,
2  cards
Parts of,
How is sickle cell,
What level of hieracy
19  cards
Bio153 Midterm #1/(C26)
23  cards
Protists OR 5 supergroups of euk. (C28)
What is a protist,
What are the main supergroups,
What supergroup are red and green...
32  cards
5 major groups of fungi,
Why would an animal lacking any b...
5  cards
Chapter 56
What are the 3 levels of biodiver...,
Endagered species vs threatened s...,
What are the 4 major threats to
6  cards
What is gram vs gram negative bac...,
Which is stronger gram positive o...,
What is the difference between an...
12  cards
What is the alternation of genes ...,
What are adaptations to life on land,
What are major groups of nonvascu...
5  cards
What is an embryo,
How can embryos develop,
Steps of the development stage
10  cards
What is the first derived trait,
What are characteristics of cnida...
10  cards
Vertebraes C34
What is the order of descendants ...,
Qualities of a gnathosome,
23  cards
Chordates phylum
What is a chordate,
What phylum and class do sharks b...,
What are gnathostomes
11  cards
Reptiles and mammals
Difference between synapsids vs d...,
What are lepidosaurs,
Mammals groups
4  cards

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