
This class was created by Brainscape user safah mahmood. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Nano metres to mm,
Mm to nano metres,
Nano metres to m
20  cards
25  cards
Eukaryotic cells
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum,
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
31  cards
ultrastructure of plant cells
Structure of cell wall,
Function of cell wall,
What is the vacuole
7  cards
Magnification definition,
Resolution definition,
Cm to mm
23  cards
What is a monomer,
What is a polymer,
What are the 3 elements carbohydr...
25  cards
What are the chemical elements li...,
What are lipids like in organic s...,
What are simple lipids called
16  cards
What are the elements proteins co...,
What are the monomers making up p...,
What reaction joins and splits am...
18  cards
What is a nucleotide,
What does a nucleotide consist of,
What are the 4 bases dna contains
20  cards
cell membranes
Three functions of cell membranes,
What is compartmentalisation,
How can the cell membrane act as ...
4  cards
transport across cell membranes
What is diffusion,
What factors affect diffusion,
How does temperature affect diffu...
34  cards
The Cell Cycle
Why is mitosis important,
What is mitosis,
What happens in prophase in mitosis
25  cards
Whys water a liquid at room tempe...,
What s an advantage of water bein...,
How is water a good solvent
16  cards
food tests
How to test for proteins,
Positive result for protein,
How to test for lipids
9  cards
Gas Exhange
Why does single celled organisms ...,
In multicellular organisms diffus...,
What is the formula for surface a...
27  cards
What kind of process is inspiration,
What happens during inspiration,
What kind of process is expiration
14  cards
What type of circulatory system d...,
What happens during ventilation o...,
How do fishes have an efficient s...
9  cards
How does insects maintain a conce...,
How do insects have large surface...,
How do insects provide a short di...
6  cards
transport systems in multicellular animals
Reasons for multicellular organis...,
What are the features that most c...,
What happens during a single circ...
14  cards
blood vessels
What are three types of blood ves...,
What type of blood does arteries ...,
What does artery walls contain an...
16  cards
protein synthesis
What is a gene,
What are the two stages of protei...,
First stage of transcription
9  cards
transport of water in plants
What is transpiration,
How does movement of the water th...,
Explain apoplast pathway
7  cards
Need for transport systems,
What is mass transport,
What does mass transport system h...
26  cards
pathogens -> transmission
What is direct transmission,
Types of direct contact and examples,
Types of direct transmission
11  cards
tissue fluid
How is tissue fluid formed,
What does tissue fluid do,
What does the volume of liquid th...
15  cards
What is translocation,
Process of translocation,
Process of active loading of sucr...
6  cards
circulatory systems
Differences for circulatory syste...,
Similarities of circulatory syste...
2  cards
xerophytes and hydrophytes
What are xerophytes,
How does a thick waxy cuticle hel...,
How does sunken stomata help xero...
26  cards
plant exam questions
Explain why large multicellular p...,
Explain the benefit to plants of ...
2  cards

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