
This class was created by Brainscape user Ella Westley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Coordination and response
Define homeostasis,
Define hormones,
What is negative feedback
44  cards
The nature and variety of living organisms
Define eukaryotic cells,
Define prokaryotic cells,
What is the acronym that all livi...
36  cards
Structure and functions in living organisms
What is an enzyme,
What is an enzyme,
What is a catalyst
114  cards
Reproduction and Inheritance
What is asexual reproduction,
What is sexual reproduction,
What type of reproduction is comm...
22  cards
Harnessing biology
How is yoghurt made,
What is lactobacillus used for wh...,
Explain the function of the tempe...
18  cards
2 Level of organisation + cell structure
What is the level of organisation...,
What are organelles,
What are cells
23  cards
2 Biological molecules + Movement of substances into and out of cells
What chemical elements are presen...,
What chemical elements are presen...,
What chemical elements are presen...
47  cards
2 Nutrition
What is photosynthesis,
How do plants photosynthesise,
What does photosynthesis require
96  cards
2 Respiration
What is respiration,
How is energy transferred by resp...,
What is atp
52  cards
2 Transport
What organism can rely on diffusi...,
Why do multicellular organisms ne...,
What does the phloem transport
53  cards
2 Excretion
When are carbon dioxide and oxyge...,
What is excretion,
What are the excretory products o...
18  cards
2 Co-ordination and response
How are organisms able to respond...,
What is negative feedback,
Define homeostasis
53  cards
3 Reproduction
What is asexual reproduction,
What is sexual reproduction,
What type of reproduction is comm...
41  cards
3 Inheritance
1  cards

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