
This class was created by Brainscape user Keira Wheatley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

chapter 2 - basic components of living systems
What are the typical sizes of euk...,
Which types of cells have golgi a...,
27  cards
chapter 2 - cells - processes
What process is the formation of ...,
In stage 1 of the formation of in...,
After leaving the nucleus what ha...
7  cards
chapter 2 - microscopy
What is the total magnification a...,
What is the process of sectioning...,
What is the process of staining a...
21  cards
chapter 2 - sub cellular structures brain dumps
List everything you know about th...,
List everything you know about ly...,
List everything you know about ch...
11  cards
chapter 3 - biological molecules
What is the composition of the bo...,
What are the monomers of lipids p...,
Define organic chemistry
87  cards
chapter 3 - nucleic acids and DNA
What are the two types of nucleic...,
What are the 5 nitrogenous bases ...,
How does the structure of dna and...
37  cards
chapter 4 - enzymes and proteins
What are the four structures of f...,
Describe the types of bonding in ...,
What are the four main roles of p...
86  cards
chapter 5 - plasma membranes
What is the fluid mosaic model a ...,
What is the function of the phosp...,
What is a phospholipid made up of
57  cards
module 3 - chapter 8 - transport and exchange in animals
Why might large multicellular org...,
What are the similarities between...,
Outline an open circulatory system
97  cards
chapter 6 - cell division
What is the common misconception ...,
What are the four phases mitosis ...,
What are the 3 main stages of the...
64  cards
chapter 9 - transport in plants
What are dicotyledonous plants,
What are meristem tissues where a...,
Define collenchyma
67  cards
exchange surfaces and breathing
How are the lungs adapted for exc...,
What is the mechanism behind brea...,
What is the mechanism behind brea...
45  cards
Module 4 - Chapter 10 - Classification And Evolution
Define binomial system,
What is the taxonomic hierarchy 7,
What did carl linnaeus propose
54  cards
chapter 12 - communicable diseases
Define disease,
Define pathogen,
What are communicable diseases
7  cards

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