
This class was created by Brainscape user Ding Ziqi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Cells & Microscopy
Total magnification,
How many millimeters mm in a micr...
67  cards
Transport in out and of cells
Diffusion is,
What increases the diffusion rate,
What size of molecules can diffus...
35  cards
Organisation in animals
What is a tissue,
What is an organ,
Give 3 types of tissues in mammals
34  cards
Organisation in plants
Give the levels of organisation i...,
What tissues are the leaf made up of,
What is the function of the epide...
32  cards
Health and disease
What is health,
What is a communicable disease,
Give 3 transmission types for a c...
76  cards
Defence against disease
0  cards
Photosynthesis is an exothermic e...,
What is a endothermic reaction
13  cards
1  cards
Respiration is a exothermic endot...,
Word equation for aerobic respira...
24  cards
Enzymes - Parts of the Digestive system
Parts of the Digestive system
17  cards
Enzymes - digestive enzymes
The definition of digestion,
Where is lipase produced,
Where is protease produced and wh...
7  cards
Enzymes - Metabolism
Definition of metabolism,
What are the two reaction groups ...,
What are anabolic reactions
14  cards
Enzymes - key ideas + how they work
Enzymes are described as and what...,
What is a catalyst,
Enzymes are s p m
9  cards
Enzymes - effect of temperature on enzyme action
Give 3 factors that must be kept ...,
What happens to the enzyme rate o...,
What happens when temperature inc...
7  cards
Nervous System - Homeostasis
What is homeostasis,
The automatic control is given by...,
What are the 2 homeostatic contro...
16  cards
Nervous System - Synapses
Synapse definition,
Name 2 examples of where synapse ...,
What is the chemical that moves a...
8  cards
Nervous System - Parts of the Eye
10  cards
Nervous System - The Iris Reflex + Accommodation
What is the role of the iris and ...,
How can the retina be damaged and...,
Are radial muscles circular or li...
13  cards
Nervous System - Eye defects + Treatments
What is myopia,
What is hyperopia,
Name 3 possible causes of myopia
16  cards
Nervous System - The Brains :Structure + Function
Function of the cerebrum,
Function of the cerebellum,
Function of the medulla
4  cards
Nervous System - Temperature Control + Thermoregulation
What is the human body s core tem...,
Why is the human body temperature...,
Where is the thermoregulatory cen...
12  cards
Hormonal Co-ordination in Animals - The Endocrine System + Kidneys + Kidney Treatments+
What is the endocrine system and ...,
What are hormones and what is the...,
Where are hormones produced
65  cards
Hormonal Co-ordination in Animals - Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle
During puberty in men what main r...,
During puberty in women what main...,
What are the 4 stages of the mens...
5  cards
Cell Division
0  cards

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