
This class was created by Brainscape user Zach Bryant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

1.1 carbohydrates
Define monosaccharides,
Define disaccharides,
Define polysaccharide
31  cards
1.2 Lipids
What are triglycerides made from,
Draw glycerol,
What is the difference between sa...
13  cards
1.0 food tests
What is the food test for reducin...,
What are the positive and negativ...,
What is the food test for non red...
11  cards
2.1 cell structure
What are the functions of the nuc...,
What part controls energy and exi...,
What is the nucleolus
41  cards
1.4 proteins
How many different amino acids ar...,
Where are amino acids made,
What three things does and amino ...
20  cards
1.5 nucleic acids
Give the full names of both dna a...,
What are dna and rna,
Name and describe the three parts...
11  cards
1.6 ATP
What is the full name of atp,
What does atp change into and how,
Describe the three parts of atps ...
7  cards
1.7 Water
How is water a polar molecule,
Why is water an important metabolite,
How is water a solvent
7  cards
1.8 inorganic ions
Define ion,
What is an inorganic ion,
How is iron used in the body
6  cards
2.2 All cells arise from other cells
What are the 5 stages of mitosis,
Describe interphase,
Describe propahse
20  cards
3.2 Gas exchange
What gives a leaf a large surface...,
What gives a leaf a large concent...,
What gives a leaf a short diffusi...
31  cards
2.3 transport across the cell membrane
Which points out and is hydrophilic,
What are 3 of the functions of ph...,
6 functions of proteins on the ce...
26  cards
3.3 Digestion and absrobtion
What are the two functions of the...,
What is the function if the oesop...,
What are the two functions of the...
23  cards
2.4 Immunity
Name 4 things the body needs to d...,
What does a phagocyte do,
What does a lymphocyte do
34  cards
3.4 Mass transport
What is the order blood travels a...,
What are the three stages of the ...,
Describe diastole
35  cards
4.1 - 4.2 DNA and protein synthesis
Define gene,
What is the coding dna called,
What is the non coding nda called
11  cards
4.3 - 4.4 Genetic diversity and meiosis
Define mutation,
Which type of mutation causes a f...,
What does the genetic code being ...
9  cards
5.1 photosynthesis
Define photosynthesis,
What are the 2 reactions in photo...,
3 things about light ldr1 what ne...
15  cards
5.2 repiration
What are the 4 steps of respiration,
Respiration equation,
5 steps of glycolysis and how muc...
20  cards
5.3-4 energy in ecosystems
Define producer,
Define primary secondary and tert...,
Define tropic level
32  cards
6.1 Stimuli
7 steps of the response affect st...,
What can receptors be,
What are the three types of poten...
21  cards
7.1 Inheritance
What does diploid mean,
What are gametes,
How is the diploid genotype created
21  cards
7.2 Populations
Define population,
What is the gene pool,
What is the allelic frequency
7  cards
7.3 Evolution and speciation
Define variation,
Define selection pressures giving...,
Model 6 marker on how new species...
18  cards
7.4 populations in ecosystems
5 steps of capture mark release m...,
Equation to calculate size of pop...,
6 assumptions of the capture mark...
9  cards
6.2 Nervous conditions
What is the militated sheath,
What is the nodes of ranvier,
Why does a militated axon conduct...
13  cards
6.3 Skeletal muscles
What is agonist for muscles,
3 functions of skeletal muscles,
What is the cell membrane of the ...
15  cards
6.4 homeostasis
Define homeostasis,
Define glucoregulation,
Define thermoregulartion
44  cards
8.1 + 8.2
What re 6 types of mutation,
Why can frame shifts be detrimental,
What are the 4 types of stem cells
31  cards
8.3 + 8.4
What are genome projects used for,
How to gene sequencing work,
What can sequencing be used for
54  cards

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