
This class was created by Brainscape user b m. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: b m

Decks in this class (20)

coordination and control - nervous system - eye - brain- hormones (human+plant)
Nervous system function,
Pns peripheral nervous system
89  cards
gas exchange + circulatory systems
Why do large organisms need trans...,
Breathing mechanism,
37  cards
kidneys /blood glucose
Label kidney,
Kidney structure
19  cards
DNA - protein synthesis - cell division - stem cells
Dna function,
Where is dna found,
Nucleic acid
33  cards
maintaining internal environment
What is kept at constant levels,
Why inputs balance outputswhy we ...
17  cards
ecosystems - biomass - carbon/ nitrogen stores
Biotic features,
Abiotic features
52  cards
5.1 - reproduction, meiosis and genetic crosses
Asexual reproduction,
Sexual reproduction,
29  cards
5.1 variation / mutatiom
Environmental variation,
Genetic variation,
How many genes control a genetic ...
12  cards
5.2 - natural selection
The theory of evolution by natura...,
Survival of the fittest,
The theory of natural selection s...
16  cards
b5 - speciation/ classification
A population can evolve into new ...,
How speciation occurs
28  cards
b6.1/2 monitoring and maintaining the environment and food security
Examples of environmental change,
Trees cleared by burning
28  cards
B6.2 - selective breeding/ generic engineering
What is selective breeding,
Process of selective breeding,
Risks of selective breeding
30  cards
B6.3 - health
What is health,
Communicable diseases,
41  cards
b6.3 - immune system
Elisa test,
Elisa test method,
Primary immune defences
28  cards
b6.3 - immunity/ bacteria
How are vaccines given,
Vaccine primary vs secondary resp...
26  cards
b6.3 stem crlls / human genome / gene tech
Where do stem cells come from and...,
Therapeutic cloning,
Human genome project
7  cards
Gridded quadrat,
10  cards
paper 1 dont know
Bright light,
Dim light,
Thyroxine too high
24  cards
B6.3 illnesses and diseases
Tmv tobacco mosaic virus
11  cards
paper2 dont know
Why can bone marrow cells produce...,
Why draining swamps reduces malaria
52  cards

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