
This class was created by Brainscape user Emily MASTERS. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Biological molecules
Name the 4 carbon based compounds...,
Why are lipids not polymers,
Polymers are made up of repeating...
61  cards
1.7, 1.8, 1.9
38  cards
Nucleic acids
A condensation reaction between 2...,
Name the 3 components that make u...,
What is the 3 components of dna
59  cards
Cell Structure
What does the attachment protein ...,
What is the role of the capsid on...,
The genetic material in a virus
48  cards
Mitosis and Cell cycle
Name the 3 reasons why mitosis is...,
What is equation for the mitotic ...,
What is the longest phase of the ...
27  cards
Definition of magnification,
Definition of resolution,
Formula for magnification
28  cards
Transport across membranes
What are the 4 main functions of ...,
Forms a phospholipid,
3 roles phospholipids in bilayer
50  cards
Definition of antigen,
A self antigen,
Definition of a foreign antigen
67  cards
The ___ and _______ rate of an or...,
What happens to the sa v as a cel...,
How do you calculate sa v
54  cards
Definition of digestion,
What do the salivary glands do,
What does the oesophagus do
28  cards
Mass Transport
Name the functions of these blood...,
Why do arteries have thick muscle...,
Why do arteries have a thick elas...
75  cards
Mass transport in plants
The xylem transports _______the p...,
Where us the xylem and phloem fou...,
Structure of xylem 1 no ___ walls...
28  cards
DNA, Genes and Chromosomes
Do eukaryotes have introns,
Do prokaryotes have introns,
In mitochondria chloroplasts in e...
45  cards
Genetic Diversity
Gene mutations involve a change i...,
What increases rate of mutation,
What is silent substitution
38  cards
Define species,
What is the binomial system,
Give the 3 features of the binomi...
50  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Energy and Ecosystems
Define trophic level,
Define biomass,
Define food chain
55  cards
Statistical tests
Why do we use stats tests,
What is the null hypothesis,
What happens to the null hypothes...
24  cards
Populations in ecosystems
Define ecosystem,
Define carrying capacity,
What are the 3 key things of ecos...
51  cards
Response to Stimuli
How do organisms increase their c...,
What is a tropism,
What are the tropisms of the plan...
56  cards
0  cards
Transport across membranes PPQs
Give two ways in which pathogens ...,
Putting bee honey on a cut kills ...,
Low density lipoprotein ldl is a ...
15  cards
Describe and explain how centrifu...,
H pylori cells produce an enzyme ...,
The scientists measured cell dama...
29  cards
Genetic diversity PPQs
Some populations of animals that ...,
The stringent response involves a...,
There was a time lag between the ...
31  cards

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