biology 15 - general microbiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Joshua Atallah. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Chapter 1
What is microbiology,
What are microorganisms,
How do microorganisms contribute ...
29  cards
Chapter 3
To the power of 10 what do these ...,
What is the difference between a ...,
What is the difference between ma...
8  cards
Chapter 4
What are the three main bacterial...,
1 what does diplo mean in bacteri...,
Name the three spiral types of ba...
35  cards
Chapter 5
What is metabolism in biology,
How do enzymes affect chemical re...,
What are the factors that can inf...
22  cards
Chapter 6
Http what does the term colony re...,
Define population in microbiology,
Name some physical requirements f...
14  cards
Chapter 7
What does sepsis refer to in micr...,
What does asepsis refer to in mic...,
What is the purpose of aseptic su...
47  cards
Lab Exam 1
What is the power of the ocular l...,
What are the powers of the four o...,
What is the purpose of the immers...
43  cards
Chapter 8
What is a gene and what does it c...,
What are chromosomes and what do ...,
What is the genetic material in b...
42  cards
Chapter 12
What are fungi,
How do fungi obtain their nutrients,
What is the primary component of ...
39  cards
Chapter 13
What is the most basic structural...,
What are the general characterist...,
What is a virion
27  cards
Chapter 14
What is etiology in the context o...,
How is disease defined when there...,
What is infection
37  cards
Lab Procedure- Bacterial Transformation
What is transformation,
What bacteria species are we tran...,
What are we transforming the bact...
5  cards
Chapter 15
Pathogenicity introductionwhat is...,
How microbes enter a host portals...,
How bacteria penetrate host defenses
16  cards
Chapter 16
What are the basic differences be...,
Does first line innate immunity i...,
What are some examples of first l...
32  cards
Chapter 17 Part 1
What is an activated b cell calle...,
What are the two types of t cells...,
What is the function of a t kille...
11  cards
Lab Exam 2
What is a culture what is inocula...,
What is the difference between a ...,
What are the types of agars that ...
61  cards
Chapter 17 Part 2
What is the difference between an...,
How many different epitopes does ...,
When is antigen specificity set
20  cards
Chapter 18
How are monoclonal antibodies dif...,
How are monoclonal antibodies formed,
What is molecular mimicry how doe...
20  cards
Chapter 19
Difference between hypersensitivi...,
Is the immune system functioning ...,
Is the immune system functioning ...
36  cards
Chapter 20
How is an antibiotic different th...,
What is the difference between ba...,
How is a broad spectrum antibioti...
29  cards
Chapter 21
When does a vesicle become a bulla,
What is a carbuncle what is a fur...,
Which gram bacterium causes infla...
31  cards
Lab Exam 3 Gram +
Gram testyou should memorzie a fe...,
Gram testwhat two genera were use...,
Gram testwhat does a positive res...
50  cards
Lab Exam 3 Gram -
You should a few of the potential...,
For each test you should know wha...,
What color is the simmons slant b...
58  cards
Lab Exam 3 Cumulative
Possible slide identifications,
Possible slide identifications,
Gram stainingwhat are the steps t...
19  cards
Chapter 22
What are the four bacteria that c...,
What are some of the characterist...,
Which type of meningitis is more ...
30  cards
Chapter 23
What is the natural source of ant...,
What are the three different mani...,
Which body organ is affected by l...
27  cards
Chapter 24
What is the causative agent of ty...,
What allows the bacterial pathoge...,
What is the causative agent of wa...
25  cards
Chapter 25
Why is the microbiome important f...,
Which bacterium grows in the mout...,
How does sucrose in the mouth con...
23  cards
Chapter 26
What genus of bacteria is the cau...,
What are signs and symptoms of go...,
Which bacterial pathogen causes ngu
11  cards

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biology 15 - general microbiology

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