biology 11

This class was created by Brainscape user Harshini Gangiah. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (63)

The Living World
What is the need for classification,
Why do we need a common way for n...,
Define nomenclature
8  cards
The Living World 2
What is classification,
What is taxon,
What is taxonomy
8  cards
The Living World 3
What is the meaning of species,
What is the meaning of genus,
What is the meaning of familty
7  cards
Cell: The Unit of LIfe
What can unicellular organisms do...,
Who found the first dead cell and...,
Who were matthias schleiden and t...
10  cards
Cell: Prokaryotes
What are prokaryotes,
Which bacteria does not have cell...,
What are the tyoes of genetic mat...
19  cards
Cell: Eukaryotes
Who all are the eukaryotes how ar...,
When was the cell membrance studied,
What is the cell memrance compose...
20  cards
Cell: Cell wall, endomembrane system
What is a cell wall,
Functions of cell wall,
What is the composition of cell w...
19  cards
Cell: mitochondrion and plastid
What is mitochondria,
How many membrane mitochondrionhas,
Escribe the inner compaerment
19  cards
Cell: nucleus
What is chromatin,
What is chromosome,
What is the chromatid
18  cards
How to do chemical analysis using...,
What do we observe after filtration,
What are the molecules present in...
14  cards
Biomolecules 2
What are peptide bonds how are th...,
How are peptide bonds formed,
Why is protein is called heteropo...
14  cards
Biomolecules 3
What are the types of carbohydrates,
What are monosaccharide,
What do you know about ribose and...
10  cards
Biomolecules 4
What are nucleic acids,
What are the nitrogenous bases,
What are the nitrogenous bases fo...
12  cards
Biomolecules 5
What are enzymes what is their st...,
What is the pocket or crevice,
Differentiate organic enzyme bioc...
17  cards
Biomolecules 6
How does temp and ph affect enzym...,
What happens to enzymes at high o...,
How is enzyme affected by concent...
12  cards
Cell cyle and dvision
What is the ceell cycle,
Does dna replication occur along ...,
What are two phases of the cell c...
19  cards
Cell cyle and dvision 2
Define meiosis,
List the 4 characs of meiosis,
What happpen in prophase 1
13  cards
Animal Kingdom 1
How do we identify animals,
What are the different levels of ...,
What is tissue level of organisation
15  cards
Animal Kindgom 2
What is the habitat ssymmetry and...,
Explain the tsructure of phylum p...,
What is the fertilisation and dev...
16  cards
Animal Kingdom 3
What are common features of molluscs,
Exclusive features of molluscs,
Whata re the sexes of these animals
10  cards
Animal Kindgom 4
What are basic features of phylum...,
Differentiate between chordates a...,
What are the subphyla of phylum c...
14  cards
Biological Classification 1
What was aristotle s 2 kingdom cl...,
What was linnaeus system of class...,
Why have classification systems b...
19  cards
Biological Classification 2
Explain general features of proti...,
Describe chrysophytes,
Describe dinoflagellates
16  cards
Biological Classification 3
Describe phycomycetes,
Describe ascomycetes,
Explain conidia
17  cards
Plant Kingdom 1
Explain artificial system of clas...,
Explain natural classification sy...,
Which classification system are u...
21  cards
Plant Kingdom 2
Describe bryophytes,
Explain the strcuture of bryophytes,
Explain sex organs and gametes
18  cards
PLant Kingdom 3
Give an introduction to gymnsoperms,
Which is the tallest tree in the ...,
Explain the roots and stems of gy...
16  cards
Structural Organisation in Animals
What is a tissu,
What is an organ,
What is an organ system
14  cards
Structural Organisation in Animals 2
What are connective tissue,
What are fibres secreted by the c...,
What are types of connective tissue
11  cards
Breathing and Exchange of Gases -1
What is breathing,
How do lower invertebreates breathe,
How do other invertbereates breathe
16  cards
Breathing and Exchange of Gases -2
What is the exchange of gases and...,
What is partial pressure,
How does solubility important for...
13  cards
Breathing and Exchange of Gases-3
Can humans regulate breathing,
What is the regulatory centre in ...,
What is the function of pons
18  cards
Photosynthesis in Higher pLants
What is the movement of chloropla...,
What is pigments,
How do we find out which pigments...
12  cards
Photosynthesis in Higher pLants 2
Describe cyclic electron transport,
What is the z scheme,
How does psii ensure continuous s...
12  cards
Photosynthesis in Higher pLants 3
What is dark phase,
What did melvin calvin do,
What are the steps of calvin cycle
16  cards
Photosynthesis in Higher pLants 4
What are c4 plants,
What is kranz anatomy,
What happens in 1st step fixation
14  cards
Chemical coordination and integration 1
Why do we have chemical coordinat...,
What are hormones,
Explain the human endocrine system
17  cards
Chemical coordination and integration 2
What is parathyroid gland,
Explain the thymus gland and horm...,
Differentiate humoral and cell me...
16  cards
Chemical coordination and integration 3
Testes structure,
What are the functions of the and...,
Give the structure of ovayr
12  cards
Morphology in Flowering Plants
What are the parts of a plant,
What is the primary root what are...,
What are tap roots
17  cards
Morphology in Flowering Plants 2
A flower is a modified shoot justify,
What is infloresence,
What is the flower
14  cards
Morphology in Flowering Plants 3
What does androecium made of,
Different ways in which the stame...,
Explain gynoecium and structure o...
18  cards
Body fluids and Circulation 1
Why do we need transport system,
Explain what is plasma made up of,
Explain the funtions of things in...
18  cards
Body fluids and Circulation 2
What is heart,
What are septa present between th...,
What are the valves in the heart
17  cards
Body fluids and Circulation 3
What is electrocardiograph and el...,
How is ecg obtained,
Define i polarisation ii depolari...
19  cards
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
3 types of tissue system,
Where is epidermis found,
What kind of cells are present in...
14  cards
Anatomy of Flowering Plants 2
Explain outermost layer of dicot ...,
Explain vascular bundle region in...
9  cards
PGR -1
Give an intro to auxins,
Examples of auxins,
What are some functions of auxins
13  cards
Describe ethylene,
What is respiratory climactic,
Explain effects of ethylene on pl...
6  cards
Frog 1
What are frog,
Give general intro to frogs,
Explai the skin of frogs
18  cards
Frog 2
Explain the endocrine system,
Explain nervous system,
Explain frog sense organs
8  cards
Respiration in Plants 1
Define respiration,
What are respiratory substates,
How is energy used in the body
17  cards
Respiration in Plants 2
What are the crucial events of ae...,
How is pyruvate transported into ...,
Give an overview of tricarboxylic...
15  cards
Locomotion and Movement 1
What is locomotion,
What is movement,
How are locomotory and movement a...
20  cards
Locomotion and Movement 2
Explain the structure of actin pr...,
Explain the structure of myosin p...,
State sliding filament theory
13  cards
Locomotion and Movement 3
What is the skeletal system,
What are the 2 bone systems,
What is the axial skeleton
19  cards
Excretion 1
What are the major forms of nitro...,
What is ammonotelism what are its...,
What is ureotelism which animals ...
16  cards
Excretion 2
What are the steps involved in ur...,
Explain the first step of urine f...,
What is glomerular filtration rate
17  cards
Excretion 3
Define micturition,
Describe the steps of micturition...,
Describe urine
13  cards
Control and coordination 1
Define coordination,
Describe neural systems in animals,
What are the 2 main parts of the ...
11  cards
Control and coordination 2
Why are nuerons excitable,
Is the neuron permeable to all ions,
How is the k na gradient maintained
11  cards
control and coordination 3
Describe in brief the role of brain,
How i the brain protected,
What are the major parts of the f...
12  cards
Structural Organisation in Animals 3
Describe the structure of muscle ...,
What is the function of muscle ti...,
Describe skeletal muscles
12  cards

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biology 11

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