This class was created by Brainscape user Ling Gao. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Drug Addiction
What is addiction world health or...,
What are cocaine alcohol nicotine...,
What are psychoactive drugs
10  cards
What does cocaine do,
What does heroin do,
What is heroin
7  cards
Central Nervous System
What is the central nervous syste...,
What do nerves do,
What do neurons do
12  cards
Psychodynamic Explanation for Aggression
What is the id,
What is the ego,
What is the superego
13  cards
Biological Practical
What is the aim of your biologica...,
What is the abstract of your biol...,
What is the alternative hypothesi...
14  cards
What is the aim of brendgen,
What is the sample of brendgen,
What is the procedure of brendgen
11  cards
Evolutionary Explanation for Aggression
Why might aggression be an evolve...,
How has fighting evolved,
Why is aggression useful to us
14  cards
What is the aim of kety,
What is the sample of kety,
What is the procedure of kety
11  cards
Hormone Explanation for Aggression
What are hormones,
What is testosterone,
What does testosterone do to the ...
12  cards
What is the aim of raine,
What is the sample of raine,
What is the procedure of raine
11  cards
Brain Activity/Structure Explanation for Aggression
What is the amygdala,
How is the amygdala linked to agg...,
What is the hypothalamus
15  cards
Biological Key Question
What is the biological key question,
How does addiction to drugs cost ...,
How many opiate users were there ...
17  cards
Action Potential
When is the neuron negatively cha...,
What happens when the neuron is s...,
What voltage does the action pote...
6  cards
Synaptic Transmission
Where does the action potential c...,
Where do the vesicles full of neu...,
Where do the neurotransmitters dr...
5  cards

More about
biological psychology

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