
This class was created by Brainscape user Nazanin Sadat. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Biological Molecules
What are macronutrients,
What are micronutrients,
Name the 4 key elements that make...
15  cards
Biological Molecules 2 - Carbohydrates and Glucose
What elements do carbohydrates co...,
What are the main functions of ca...,
How many bonds does each element ...
36  cards
Biological Molecules 3 - Lipids
What do lipids include,
What two molecules do lipids cons...,
Are lipids insoluble
24  cards
Biological Molecules 4 - Amino acids and proteins
What is an amino acid a monomer of,
What is the additional element th...,
State the general formula of an a...
17  cards
Biological Molecules 5 - Biological Food Tests
Describe the food test for proteins,
What is the food test for reducin...,
What is the food test for non red...
5  cards
Biological Molecules 6 - Water
What happens when 2 water molecul...,
What do many h20 molecules form w...,
What is cohesion
6  cards
Cell Structure and Organisation
List the organelles in an animal ...,
List the organelles of a plant cell,
How to workout total magnification
56  cards
Cell membranes and transport
Why is the fluid mosaic model use...,
Explain how phospholipid molecule...,
What is a glycoprotein
67  cards
0  cards
Structure of Nucleotides
0  cards
Adaptations for Gas Exchange
What happens as a result of a cel...,
Define gas exchange,
Define ventilation
60  cards
Adaptations for transport: Plants
Write the word equation for photo...,
What is different about plants tr...,
How is water and mineral ion tran...
94  cards
Adaptations for transport: Animals
Does insects have an open or clos...,
Explain and describe an insects c...,
What does dorsal mean
89  cards
Transport of gases
What is blood,
What is plasma,
Is blood a tissue
73  cards
Adaptations for Nutrition
What does it mean for an organism...,
What example of a protoctist uses...,
What three ways does an amoeba ob...
32  cards
Kidney and Homeostasis
0  cards
The Nervous System
0  cards

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