biol314: parasitology

This class was created by Brainscape user Amy Barnes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Lecture 1: Differentiation and adaptation
What form are the tbruceii parasi...,
What form are the tbruceii parasi...,
True or false tbruceii differenti...
40  cards
Lecture 6: Toxoplama gondii
True or false t gondii is an obli...,
What phylum does t gondii belong to,
What is the typical infective rou...
34  cards
Lecture 7: The Apicoplast
What is the apicoplast,
How many membranes does the apico...,
The organisms belonging to the ph...
21  cards
Lecture 8: Plasmodium - mechanisms of cell invasion
How many countries in malaria end...,
What percentage of all malaria de...,
Which plasmodium species is most ...
38  cards
Lecture 9: Plasmodium - Intracellular Survival and Modification of the Host Cell
What are the advantages and disad...,
What is the earliest stage of par...,
How does the plasmodium digest er...
62  cards
Lecture 10: Plasmodium - resistance and susceptibility to infection
True or false malaria has lead to...,
What causes sca,
What is sickle cell trait
44  cards
Lecture 2: Immune Evasion by Antigenic Variation
True or false t brucei infection ...,
What causes the peaks and troughs...,
What is expressed by parasites in...
36  cards
Lecture 3: Innate Immunity and Trypanosome Lytic Factor (TLF)
What are the two morphological t ...,
What is nagana and what causes th...,
Which trypanosome species causes ...
34  cards
Lecture 4: Parasite glycobiology
What is the difference between an...,
What is the name given the the as...,
What type of structure do most ca...
37  cards
Lecture 5: Parasite glycobiology
True or false trypanosomatids all...,
Which trypanosoma species is leis...,
What disease is caused by t brucei
8  cards

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biol314: parasitology

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