This class was created by Brainscape user Jennifer Petrie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Lecture 1- Introduction to Northern Ecology
What does northern mean,
What is continuous permafrost,
What is discontinuous permafrost
18  cards
Lecture 2- The physical environment of the north
Why look at geology,
What can the rock type influence,
What are the three types of rocks...
41  cards
Lecture 3- Physical Environment II
What is milankovitch cycle,
Name the three components of mila...,
Differentiate glacial and intergl...
38  cards
Lecture 4- Mineral Wetlands
What is a wetland,
What creates a wetland,
Wetlands follow the distribution ...
37  cards
Lecture 5- Peatlands
What is peat,
How does peat form,
What is a key moss species
37  cards
Lecture 6- Peatland Ecology
Describe hydrology of peatlands,
Can you draw a boundary for a pea...,
Define local recharge local inter...
30  cards
Lecture 7- Peatland Disturbances
What is a disturbance,
What is a disturbance regime,
What is resistance
32  cards
Lecture 8- Intro to Boreal Forests
Describe what boreal forests are ...,
The boreal forest is also known a...,
Where is the carbon stored in bor...
65  cards
Lecture 9- Boreal Forest Soil and Vegetation
Soil characteristics affects ____...,
What is soil parent material,
The way the soil is _____ can cha...
54  cards
Lecture 10- Boreal Forest Succession and Disturbances
What are the three steps of prima...,
Give an in depth description of p...,
When does secondary succession occur
37  cards
Lecture 11- Intro to Tundra and Permafrost
What is the temperature for conti...,
Permafrost reduces ______,
What are the three characteristic...
20  cards
Lecture 12- Tundra Species and Disturbances
Tundra diversity is _______,
What is the largest arctic ungulate,
Where did the muskoxen first evolve
28  cards
Lecture 13- Intro to Marine Systems
What are arctic ocean basins,
Why does the arctic ocean differ ...,
Arctic ocean currents affect _____
44  cards
Lecture 14- Marine System Food Webs
What are some characteristics of ...,
What are the three types of ocean...,
What are benthic species
28  cards
Lecture 15- Lentic Systems
Freshwater characteristics are de...,
Lakes only stratify in _____,
What does topography alter
50  cards
Lecture 16- Lotic Systems
What does the location of headwat...,
Headwaters south of arctic bring ...,
Why does the change in water leve...
37  cards
Lecture 17- Food Webs I
What is a food web,
Food webs are connected through _...,
A food web includes _____ and ___...
38  cards
Lecture 18- Food Webs II
What is environmental stability,
A stable environment equals,
Highly seasonal environments equals
17  cards
Lecture 19- Food Webs III
Community struture focuses on wha...,
What is intraspecific interactions,
What is interspecific competition
30  cards
Lecture 20- Food Webs IV
How is energy flow and community ...,
What is a bottom up model,
How does plant availability contr...
29  cards
Lecture 21- Northern Ecological Concepts
What is the latitudinal diversity...,
Species accumulate ____ as you mo...,
____ climates support more specie...
26  cards
Lecture 22- Plant Adaptations I
What are some limitations to nort...,
What part of the short growing se...,
What part of drought limits north...
49  cards
Lecture 23- Plant Adaptations II
Water movement in plants relies on,
What is a cavitation,
As the ice melts the pressure is ...
24  cards
Lecture 24- Plant Adaptations III
Arctic plant productivity is ____,
Daily productivity can be as high...,
What is generally limiting in the...
18  cards
Lecture 25- Animal Adaptations I
What are the four ecological rule...,
What is rapoports rule,
Rapoports rule explains why there...
39  cards
Lecture 26- Animal Adaptations II
What are some mechanisms for anim...,
What is true hibernation,
What animals do true hibernation
28  cards
Lecture 27- Animal Adaptations III
What problems do the brids and ma...,
What is conduction,
What is convection
39  cards
Lecture 28- Bird Adaptations
What are some different strategie...,
What types of bird species are mi...,
Tundra swans use which migration ...
26  cards
Lecture 29- Mammal Adaptations
Mammals in the north are in ____ ...,
Describe the type of mammals in t...,
Describe the types of mammals in ...
32  cards
Lecture 30- Northern Invertebrates
Why are inverts important,
What contributes to the low inver...,
Describe the seasonality of inver...
45  cards
Lecture 31- Plant Animal Interactions
What are the two types of plant a...,
What are some examples of co evol...,
Existing relationships are _______
25  cards
Lecture 32- Northern Land Management
0  cards
Lecture 33- Changes in the North
Why is the north warming faster,
How do species respond to climate...,
Why do regime shifts occur
8  cards

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