biol 350 - plants and fungi

This class was created by Brainscape user RaRah Burke. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Introduction to Botany
18  cards
Evolution and Systematics of Plants
22  cards
Ch18: Gymnosperms
What is a seed composed of,
What is the unit of dispersal cor...,
What is the direct ancestor of se...
10  cards
Ch19: Angiosperms Intro
What are the fertile parts of the...,
What is the collective name for a...,
What is the collective name for a...
19  cards
Ch20: Angiosperms Evolution
What is cross pollination how is ...,
What are the characteristics of b...,
What is the apparent function of ...
8  cards
Ch22: Early Development of the Plant Body
What do the integuments develop into,
What is the name of the stem like...,
What is the procambium the precur...
8  cards
CH27: Hormones
What are the 5 major categories o...,
What are the minor hormones,
What is a hormone
52  cards
CH28: External factors
Phototopism of a shoot is caused ...,
The statoliths in roots and stems...,
Thigmotropism is the response to
29  cards
CH23: Cells and Tissues
What are the three parts of the a...,
What tissue is produced by the pr...,
What tissue is produced by the gr...
36  cards
Ch27 Study Guide
What are the characteristics of h...,
2 what where produces the apical ...,
3 what are the effects of auxins ...
13  cards
CH25: Shoots Structure and Development + Leaves
What are found at shoot nodes,
How does the arrangement of monoc...,
Where is pith likely to be locate...
20  cards
CH23: Cells and tissues
What is a simple tissue vs comple...,
What is a complex tissue provide ...,
Secondary xylem is known as ___
17  cards
How do the populatoins differ fro...,
What are the main factors determi...,
How many terrestrial biomes are t...
7  cards

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biol 350 - plants and fungi

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