This class was created by Brainscape user Tammy Nguyen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Nervous Tissue Concepts
Describe the organization of the ...,
Describe the three basic function...,
Contrast functions of the somatic...
18  cards
glial cells
Which 4 glial cells are in the cn...,
Cns cell that have a supportive f...,
Pns cell that has a supportive fu...
7  cards
Action Potentials
List the sequence of events that ...,
Contrast graded potentials with a...,
Describe the steps of an action p...
3  cards
Nts that can be both excitatory a...,
Amino acid nts,
Biogenic amines nts decarboxylate...
16  cards
The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves Concepts
Describe the protective structure...,
Identify key structures seen in a...,
Trace the path of a generalized r...
11  cards
The Brain and Cranial Nerves Concepts
Connect the parts of the brain to...,
Describe how the brain is protect...,
Describe the blood supply of the ...
18  cards
Anterior nuclei,
Medial dorsal medial nuclei,
Intralaminar nuclei
9  cards
hypothalamus and epithalamus
Mammillary body,
Arcuate nucleus,
Ventromedial nucleus
15  cards
locations and functions of the sensory, association, and motor areas of the cerebral cortex
Which lobe,
The primary auditory area is in w...,
The primary visual area is in whi...
17  cards
Cranial nerves and function
What s the mnemonic for cranial n...,
Whats cranial nerve 1 and its fun...,
Whats cranial nerve 1 and its fun...
25  cards
Arbor vitae,
Deep nuclei
15  cards
The Autonomic Nervous System Concepts
Contrast the structural and funct...,
Describe preganglionic and postga...,
Contrast the ganglia used in both...
20  cards
Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic on Body
What is the sympathetic and paras...,
What is the sympathetic and paras...,
What is the sympathetic and paras...
21  cards
Thoracolumbar Output
T1 t5,
T5 t9,
T10 t11
6  cards
Craniosacral Output
Oculomotor iii,
Facial vii,
Glossopharyngeal ix
5  cards
Special Senses Concepts
Describe the structure of the olf...,
Describe the sensation of olfacti...,
Outline the neural pathway for ol...
34  cards
Anatomy of the Eye
Eyelash eyebrow,
Eyelid palpebrae,
Tarsal plate
20  cards
Vallate papillae,
Fungiform papillae,
Foliate papillae
10  cards
Anatomy of the Ear
Cerumen gland,
23  cards
Blood Tissue Concepts
Be able to fit blood into our con...,
Describe the 3 functions of blood...,
Relate intracellular interstitial...
25  cards
Leukocyte (WBC) Histology
What wbc is this,
What wbc is this,
What wbc is this
7  cards
Leukocyte (WBC) Functions
5  cards
The Heart Concepts
Where is the apex of the heart lo...,
What are some structures the hear...,
What type of membrane is the peri...
51  cards
On an ekg what is represented by ...,
On an ekg what is represented by ...,
On an ekg what is represented by ...
6  cards
Afterload increased systemic vasc...,
Increased sympathetic innervation
16  cards
Blood Vessels & Hemodynamics Concepts
What is a common object about the...,
What are the 3 tunics layers from...,
Which vessel artery or vein has t...
85  cards
Respiratory System Concepts
What are the structures of the up...,
What are the structures of the lo...,
What structures are considered pa...
66  cards
Partial pressures
Pco2 of atmospheric air at sea level,
Po2 of deoxygenated venous blood,
Po2 of systemic tissues
11  cards

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