This class was created by Brainscape user Neal Aaron Ente. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Discovery of Microorganisms
Early civilizations eg crete indi...,
Rome 315 ad public lavatories wit...,
Aristotle 384 ad first discovered...
84  cards
Domains of the Living World
1 archaea ancient bacteria unicel...,
2 bacteria unicellular prokaryote...,
3 eukarya unicellular to multicel...
28  cards
Foundations in Microbiology
Microbiology study of microorganisms,
Bacteriology study of bacteriaphy...,
Virology the study of viruses and...
49  cards
Laboratory Equipment
What is a laboratory a laboratory...,
Lab equipment refers to the vario...,
Is an optical instrument consisti...
41  cards
Scientists with Their Inventions
Antonie van leeuwenhoek 1632 1723...,
Robert hooke 1635 1703 the first ...,
Lazzaro spallanzani 1729 1799 fig...
38  cards
Control of Microbial Growth - 1
Sterilizationdestroys all microor...,
Commercial sterilizationdefined a...,
It is mostly for clostridium botu...
58  cards
Control of Microbial Growth - 2
Low temperaturethe use of low tem...,
Refrigerationtemperature of this ...,
Freezinginactivates any microbes ...
47  cards
Control of Microbial Growth - 3
Aldehydeform covalent crosslinkss...,
Formaldehyde gasformalin as 37 aq...,
Glutaraldehydeless irritating tha...
16  cards
Antimicrobial Agents
Antimicrobials is a substance tha...,
Historythe history of antimicrobi...,
Antimicrobial use is known to hav...
75  cards
Asepsis is the state of being fre...,
The goal of asepsis is to elimina...,
Aseptic technique means using pra...
19  cards
Prefinal - Self-Concept
Self conceptis one s mental image...,
4 dimensions of self concept self...,
Self knowledgeinsight into one s ...
33  cards
Finals - Eye Diseases
White part of the eye protects th...,
Or black dot at the center of the...,
Controls how much light enters th...
52  cards
Finals - Infectious Agents of the Cardiovascular System - Sheet1
Membrane that lines inside the ch...,
Muscular tissue of the heart,
Membrane enclosing the heart
56  cards
Finals - Microbial Disease of Digestive system-6th - Sheet1
Are open sores that develop on th...,
Ulcers that occur on the inside o...,
That occur on the inside of the u...
13  cards
Finals - Microbial Diseases of the Nervous System-2nd - Sheet1
The nervous system has two main p...,
Is made up of the brain and spina...,
Is made up of nerves that branch ...
60  cards
Finals - Microbial Diseases of the Respiratory System-4th discussion - Sheet1
Components of the upper respirato...,
Components of the lower respirato...,
Lower respiratory systemtypically...
59  cards

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