This class was created by Brainscape user Elise Keenan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

4. parental investment
Compare sperm and egg,
Which gender invest most,
Cost and benefit of parental inve...
10  cards
4. Reproductive behaviours and mating systems in animals
What are mating systems based on,
14  cards
5. niche
What is an ecological niche,
What is a fundamental niche,
What is a realised niche
5  cards
5. the parasite niche
What does a parasite gain,
What is parasitism,
What is greater for the parasite
6  cards
5. parasitic life cycles
What do some parasites require,
What is malaria caused by,
What do many parasites require
12  cards
5. transmission and virulence
What is transmission,
What is virulence,
How are ectoparasites transmitted
8  cards
5. defence against parasitic attack
What does immune response have,
What are the non specific defences,
What are the specific cellular de...
11  cards
5. immune evasion
What have parasites done,
What do endoparasites do,
What does antigenic variation allow
6  cards
5. challenges in treatment and control
What is epidemiology,
What is the herd immunity threshold,
What do vaccines contain
11  cards
1. identification and taxonomy
How can identification of an orga...,
How can organisms be classified,
What is taxonomy
8  cards
1. monitoring populations
What can give information on envi...,
What can be used to monitor an ec...,
Mark and recapture formula
5  cards
1. measuring and recording animal behaviour
What measurements are used to qua...,
What allows the construction of t...,
What is important to avoid when a...
3  cards
2. drift and selection
What is evolution,
What happens during evolution,
What does natural selection act on
18  cards
2. fitness
What is fitness,
What does fitness refer to,
How can fitness be defined
5  cards
2. co-evolution
What is coevolution,
What acts a selection pressure,
Where is coevolution seen
7  cards
3. costs and benefits of sexual and asexual reproduction
Costs of sexual reproduction,
Why do the benefits outweigh costs,
What does genetic variation provide
12  cards
3. meiosis
What is meiosis,
What happens in diploid cells,
Meiosis 1 step 1
11  cards
3. sex determination
How is the sex of birds determined,
What determines development of ma...,
What do heterogametic males lack
14  cards

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bio part 2

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