bio further revision

This class was created by Brainscape user a mm. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: a mm

Decks in this class (18)

Adaptation + Drugs
What are adpative features caused by,
Adpative feature uses,
How antibiotic resistance develop...
7  cards
Gas Exchange
Respiration in gas exchange,
Inhalation exhalation process ext...
11  cards
How plants stay upright,
When roots act as sink,
Increase temperature on rate of p...
19  cards
Http how is blood delivered to th...,
How is blood filtered and what is...,
What is not filtered
13  cards
Important definitions
Asexual reproduction,
76  cards
The main sate of progesterone pro...,
Process of embryo attaching to ut...,
Role of progesterone in pregnancy
15  cards
How villus is adapted to its func...,
The blood vessel that transports ...,
Why is there high concentration o...
14  cards
Process of meiosis,
How mutation rates can be increased
3  cards
Distribution and function of rod ...,
Cone cells distribution and function,
What controls size of the pupil i...
3  cards
Risk to a species if its populati...,
How overfisihing can be prevented,
Why species become endangered
18  cards
Gas exchange
Why heart rate must increase duri...
1  cards
Organisms and their enviorment
How nitrogen in protein is recycl...,
Importance of producers,
Natural processes involving bacte...
3  cards
Double circulatory system advantage,
What internal features do whales ...
2  cards
How is hiv transmittied from one ...,
Virus features,
Function of lymphocytes
4  cards
Function of human teeth,
Process of teeth decay
2  cards
Why nitrogen and glucose added to...,
How dna is interted into the plasmid,
How gene is expressed to make pro...
16  cards
Nucleus function,
Ribosome function,
Hydrogen carbonate colours
3  cards
Food tests
Reducing sugars method positive r...,
St method positive result,
Test for protein
5  cards

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bio further revision

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