This class was created by Brainscape user Greycious Gurung. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

bio end of year
Nerve cell adaptation,
Sperm cell adaptation,
Egg cell
13  cards
bio test 1
What do plants need to survive,
Word equation for photosynthesis,
Balanced symbol equation
36  cards
test recap
What is the role of bile,
What gas diffuses into the bloods...,
What gas diffuses into the alveol...
8  cards
bio test 2
What is diffusion,
What three main factors affects t...,
Give examples of substances trans...
52  cards
test 2 p2
What is cellular respiration,
How many hours a day does respira...,
What type of reaction is respirat...
12  cards
1  cards
winter catch up
Non communicable disease
6  cards
Homeostasis and Reflex Arcs Educake
Aside from the spinal cord give a...,
A light receptor cell,
In a reflex action muscles respon...
26  cards
Communicable Diseases Assessment
Hiv aids is what type of pathogen,
Salmonella is what type of pathogen,
Rose black spot is what type of p...
11  cards
Communicable disease test
How does the scientist make more ...,
How to test for glucose in the be...,
Why does a tmv infected plant hav...
7  cards
pathway test
The three parts of the circulator...,
On each side of the heart the atr...,
Which ventricle is the thickest a...
72  cards
educake eye
Where is the thermoregulatory cen...,
What is the thermoregulatory cent...,
What is responsible for regulatin...
42  cards
The human endocrine system: blood glucose levels and Human reproduction
A vasectomy is an example of whic...,
Where in the body is the hormone ...,
The organ that a particular hormo...
61  cards
What is homeostasis,
What is a hormone,
How do hormones travel around the...
19  cards

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